Chapter 15: Surrender

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Annika Remo

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Annika Remo

Before I knew what was going on, I closed my eyes and felt his soft lips crash against mine. It seemed as though he was trying to prove something. His tongue licking the seam of my lips to open, he pulled me to him, hungrily. I attempted to push him away with my hands on his muscular chest.

This is wrong, he can't just do that.

Instead, I think I've enraged him as his hold on my hip has tightened. He pressed his knee between my legs, pushing me further, against the wall, if that was even possible. To get access to my mouth, he deepens the kiss as he caged me to the wall. I could feel the warmth of his body warming mine. His strong hand brushed across my cheek. "Please," I mumbled breathlessly against his lips.

I felt dizzy because of the lack of oxygen so I grabbed his shoulders for support. When I look up, my gaze falls on his. "Do you like him?" I stared at him confused.

"Who, Diego?" His jaw clenches. He has no right to ask me that; it is none of his business. Why doesn't he kiss one of his whores instead?

"You have no right to ask that; I'm not one of your hookers, so don't place your filthy lips on mine again." I could feel his rage but merely crossed my arms and turned away.

He slammed me against the wall once again, causing my back to ache and me to whimper. "You don't get it."

"Get what? Did that kiss in the rain mean anything to you?" I stand up straight, my heart racing in anticipation of his reaction.

His voice was devoid of emotion as he said, "It meant nothing." My eyes were brimming with tears. I'm such a fool. Because it did to me, and I despise myself for giving him my first kiss.

"Just leave," I say, my voice shaking as I push him away, and he moves away this time. He balled his fingers into a fist and drove them through the wall, then slammed the door behind him, making me flinch in the process. My heart was pounding with excruciating agony. The reality of the situation gradually swept over my body, leaving me with a blank, lifeless expression. As I stood alone in the same dark room, a big sob escaped me, and I covered my face with shaking hands.

Don't let him hurt you, Annika. You're strong. He doesn't deserve you.

Why can't the universe simply leave me alone? I'm not talking about dying; I'm talking about living in peace. To be free of pain and suffering. Every morning, I want to wake up with a purpose. Every time I do something kind for someone or let someone in, they unknowingly steal a piece of my heart with them. And I don't realise it until it's too late and it's already out of reach.

I keep up this strong act but who am I fooling. I can't do this's too hard and all the tears are back. I thought it was getting better but no. When I'm alone, all I think of is that I want to cry and just get away.

So god, if you are up there, please make it stop, I'm not strong anymore. I can't do this. My life is slowly killing me.

I sat on the comfortable mattress, gently lying down and gazing up at the ceiling. My heart felt like it had been torn out of my chest. I was in such a condition of despair that I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. As I lay still on the bed, a horrible weight dropped over my shoulders. It felt as if a huge boulder had crashed on me and I couldn't get out of it.

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