Rekindling and Necklaces.

Comenzar desde el principio


*Willow's POV*

I begin walking along the path to the mansion, following the guard. The only reason why I'm currently breathing right now is Flynn, who is supporting me by holding my hand.

Even though there's so many body guards surrounding us, the reporters and cameras are still loud and flashing; sticking microphones and lights into our faces while yelling at us to answer their questions.

I start to feel dizzy, like I might faint, when I notice Flynn looking at me. I assume my face is showing my emotions, because he suddenly tightens his grip on my hand
and pulls me closer.

"You're okay, sweetheart." He whispers, close to me.

I nod my head, acknowledging him, and I try to hide myself from the photographers by looking at the ground. I try to steady myself by thinking about other things, but it doesn't work. And I can't have the one thing that I know would calm me—Flynn's arms. If his arms could be around me, I know I would feel better.

"We're almost there, Lo." He says with a gentle smile on his face. "Stay with me."

I smile back at him softly before slowly but surely making it to the mansion. As soon as we arrive within the gates, even more guards step out of the mansion and begin walking towards us.

I stop walking and Flynn turns around to look at me. I shake my head at him, and I can tell he understands what I'm thinking.

He walks towards me and wraps his arms around me tightly. He whispers something to me, but I can't catch what it is because my mother starts to speak behind me.

"Is she okay?" She asks, and I can tell through her voice that she's worried. I feel him nod his head above me, and my mom sighs.

"She's okay, Katniss." My dad says softly. "She has Flynn."

I keep my face hidden and after a small pause, they walk around us and take Rye with them.

There's a moment of silence, and even though I know there are men in black around us somewhere, I don't mind.

As long as I'm with him, nothing else matters.

"Are you feeling overwhelmed, Lo?" He ask while using his hand to lift my chin to his face.

I shrug my shoulders and a tear ricochets down my face. He wipes the tear before I have a chance to, and he gives me a sympathetic look.

"I'm scared he'll find me again if I go on that stage tonight." I admit. "I mean, how am I supposed to talk about what happened in front of all those people? What if they don't even believe me and I look like some liar?"

"They're going to believe you, sweetheart." He says while brushing a strand of hair off my face. "If you don't want to say anything, you don't have to. And if you want to say something, you can. Nobody's forcing this on you, and we all just want what's best for you."

"What if he's not found by the time we go back home?" I ask, water filling my eyes.

He leans in and kisses the top of my forehead softly, and pulls back while gazing into my eyes.

"I'll make sure he stays the hell away from you, Lo." He says. "You know that."

I nod my head and pull back, giving him a reassuring look. I start walking towards the mansion entrance, and he jogs to catch up with me. I smile at him as he reaches down to interlock our hands, and he begins swinging them like a child. I start to laugh and he chuckles too.

As we walk up the steps, I realize how good he is at calming me down. Of course, this is probably because of how long we've been stuck together, but now I'm so glad that it happened.

I remember when I used to dread him coming over, but now it seems as if I can't get enough. His presence makes me feel warm and complete.

The thought of him spending time with anyone else makes me sick, and I know that's not healthy. Flynn thinks of me as his little sister, and I'm nothing compared to Odette. I have blonde hair and blue eyes, whilst she has dark brown hair and golden eyes. She's anyone's dream girl, and she's got so many friends—unlike me. I can't compete with her.

I'm dragged out of my thoughts by arms being wrapped around me. I come back into consciousness and I realize my mother is the one wrapped around me; not Flynn. I wrap my arms around her too, taking in her sweet smell. Even though she hasn't been the best mother, she's my mother. And I don't think I would've chosen any other.

I used to be hesitant with her, but now I realize I can trust her and put effort into her just as she does with me.

She pulls back and looks at me while brushing the hair off my face.

"If you feel uncomfortable whatsoever, we'll leave here first thing, darling." She says with a smile on her face, showing off her gorgeous cheeks. "I know tonight will be hard for you, and if you need anything I'm here."

"I know, Mom." I say, reassuring her. I notice it's just us standing here, so Flynn and my dad and brother must've left. "But I really don't want to say anything."

"What do you mean?" She asks softly, and I shrug my shoulders.

"I can't go up there and talk about it." I say. "I don't want to talk about me being stupid enough to get attacked at school."

"You're not stupid, darling. If anything, that makes you brave for being able to fight him off." She says, starting to walk through the hallway. I begin to follow her and she continues. "You don't have to say anything you don't want to. I assume your father will talk about it in his speech, just like he will about my experience. I know this is so hard for you, Willow. But to make sure this never happens again to you, we have to speak up about it."

"It's okay that he talks about it," I remark. "I just don't want to be the one who talks about it."

"I promise you won't have to." She says as we come to a stop at a door on the right. She opens it and I look inside to find a gorgeous room, decorated fully with anything anyone could imagine. "This is your room, and if you need me I'll be across the hall, love."

She slowly leaves the room, closing the door behind herself. I turn around to look back at the room, and I notice a small box sitting on the bed. Intrigued, I begin to walk over and I notice a small note attached along it. I read it, and I can't help but form a smile on my face.

I know your birthday isn't for another 13 days,
but I thought this might ease your mind.
- Flynn.

I open the small box and I find a gold necklace with a heart locket on it. I gently open it up, and on one side I find a small picture of us together.

On the other side, it has the letter F encircled in a heart. I carefully take it out of the box and lay it between my fingers, running my fingertips over the locket.

Suddenly, there's a knock on my door and the door handle opens. I turn around to see Flynn standing there, and I guess I don't have enough time to hide my smile because he laughs when he sees me.

"Did you get my gift?" He asks dumbly, and I nod my head while rolling my eyes.

"You didn't have to get me anything." I say as he begins walking towards me.

"I know I didn't have to, but I really wanted to." He admits, and I can feel my cheeks blush. I look away for a moment to gain my composure and then I turn back to him.

"Can you help me put it on?" I ask, handing him the necklace.

He gently grabs my shoulder with one hand to spin me around, and he picks up my hair and moves it to the side so it's out of the way. He clasps the back of it and then moves my hair back, before spinning me again to look at him.

"You look beautiful." He says, brushing a piece of hair out of my eyes.

My cheeks redden at his touch, and suddenly I find our faces very close. Within seconds, our lips are inches apart, and I can feel my breath rising and falling so quickly.

"Willow, I know you don't like change, but this change has been waiting for way too long."

And just like that, our lips meet and what seemed to be a friendship blossoms into something more.

Something that terrifies me.

The Epilogue - Katniss and PeetaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora