Chapter 17-Mission Escobar.

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   It was nighttime already. The time only seemed to be running fast. Trust me, solitude has started to become peaceful. I could hear the call to prayer for Isha as I sat on my balcony. I didn't move from my position. Not for once. I hardly ever had the motivation to pray these days. It was killing my soul. In the end, there was nothing to fight for.
    The once-in-a-blue-moon moment of serenity I had for myself was interrupted by a knock on my door. I let out a groan, already made up my mind not to answer the door. That didn't make whoever it was stop pestering me. It could be anyone at all.
Tired of the incessant knocking on the door, I got up from my seat and walked to the door. I stopped right in front of the door, bracing myself to face whoever it was.
   The person I saw on the other side of the door was least expected.

   " What do you want?" I asked the man standing in front of me, annoyance dripping from my tone. What did he want? To rub more salt in my wounds?

   "I've been trying to reach you for days." Hassan seemed rather unfazed by my rudeness to him.

    " I don't have a phone," I stated outright. It was the truth. I never thought of getting one since Sa'eed took mine from me.
   He took a moment to stare at me, giving my figure a once-over. He shook his head, clicking his tongue. I was just about to slam the door in his face when he stopped me.

   " Haba, hear me out." He held the handle firmly so I wouldn't shut the door. "Do you want to talk about it?"
    This has to be the funniest thing I've heard in days. " You?" I scoffed. " No, thank you. I would have spoken to my mother if I wanted to be heard. Now leave."

  He stood firm in his place, not ready to budge. He hasn't given up on me, or so I thought. Maybe he was doing all of this because I tried so hard to help him. I looked down at his hands, making me frown instantly.

   " It's just champagne," he voiced out, having noticed my qualms.

    I turned away from him and strode back to my balcony and resumed my seat. If he doesn't take this as his cue to come in, then I shouldn't be accused of hostility. A short while later, he joined me on the balcony and made himself comfortable on the cane chair beside mine.

    " Did you lock the door?" I turned to him.

   " You needed not to tell me," he answered with a small laugh. " I've been in your position before."

   I hummed in response.

    " Do you remember what happened the last time I was in your room?" He chuckled before bringing the bottle of champagne to his lips. He took down a few gulps before setting it aside. I wondered if he had ever heard of anything called 'wine glass'.

    Yes, I remembered. " The police were after you," I answered, not looking at him. My eyes were set on the compound beneath us.

   " Thank you," I swivelled my head to look at Hassan. Did someone else join us or Hassan was the one who said that? " I never got to say that to you."
  That confirmed my suspicions. It was Hassan. So rare like winter in a desert.
   " I understand what you are going through," he started. I didn't want to hear what was to follow. We had so many differences between us. Differences that couldn't be simply discarded. " I've been through it before. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way out. Our family isn't really helpful when it comes to such things."

   I only listened quietly, marveling at how badly I related to it.
  "Nevertheless, every day is a day to celebrate," he concluded, raising the bottle above his head. How fast he had diverted the topic.
   This cousin of mine might have had a meeting with Pablo Escobar before coming to meet me. I chose not to point it out. I didn't have the strength to.

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