Episode 1: An Unknown Universe (Scenes 13 - 18 & End Scene)

Start from the beginning

The villains were then taken into custody, only to escape again.

Scene 15

Outside the alleyway, Batgirl, Supergirl, Bumblebee, Zatanna, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and Spider-Man are hanging out after the incident with the mall. "Sisters," Wonder Woman says, "Today, we have beaten our enemies. We have taken them all out, and are now in custody by the police." Batgirl then interrupts. "Chances are they'll probably escape again," she says. Wonder Woman then continues. "But we will get a chance to fight them again, and with the help of our new friend, Spider-Man," she points over to where Spider-Man is, but notices he's gone. 

"Where did he go?" Wonder Woman asked. No one knew. "Uh, ma'am," Spider-Man said. "I'm over here." The girls look in his direction and are shocked to see Spider-Man hanging upside-down on a web. "Whoa," Batgirl said excitedly. "That's so cool!!!" Spider-Man thanks Batgirl. "Thanks, strange, batwoman," he said. "I'm sorry, who are all of you?" Batgirl introduces everyone as their alter egos. "Well, I'm Batgirl," she said. She points over to Supergirl. "That's Supergirl over there," Babs continues. Supergirl waves hello. Spider-Man waves back. "The girl you saved from falling is named Bumblebee." Spider-Man chuckled. "What's so funny about that?" Bumblebee asked. Spider-Man said, "It's just funny to know I'm not the only superhero named after a bug." Bumblebee understood the joke and laughed. "Anyway," Batgirl continued. "The green floating girl over there is Green Lantern, the other floating girl with magic abilities is Zatanna, and this is our fierce leader, Wonder Woman." He gives a friendly hello to everyone. "It's nice to meet all of you," he said. Zatanna asks, "How are you not getting blood to your head yet? Usually, when you hang upside down for this long, the blood goes straight to your head." Spider-Man didn't know how to respond. "Well, I guess as Spider-Man, it doesn't bother me," he said. "Although, now that you mention that, I should probably stand on my legs. It gets confusing to look at everyone upside-down." Spider-Man lets go of his web and fixes himself into an upright position. "That's better," he said. 

Batgirl was brimming with curiosity about Spider-Man. She walks up to him. "How did you get your powers?" Batgirl asks. Spider-Man tells her he was bitten by a radioactive spider that gave him these abilities. Zatanna interrupts. "Not to judge or anything, but wouldn't you be more of a spider with 4 arms and legs instead of two arms and legs?" she asks. Spider-Man thought about it and it put a disturbing image in his head. "Well, that's an image I'm probably never gonna get out of my head," Spider-Man said. Green Lantern goes to him and says, "I don't think Zatanna meant it like that, Spider-Man. I just think that's what would have been expected for a Spider-Man to" She stops mid-sentence and realizes what she's saying. "I didn't mean that, either," Green Lantern said. "I'm just gonna stop talking." She laughs nervously. Supergirl goes up to Spider-Man and asks, "What else can you do, Spider-Man?" He tells them how he can launch webs from his arms, throw balls of webs, launch electrical webs, turn invisible, and have heightened senses. 

"The senses can tell me when someone is in trouble," Spider-Man said. "Especially from a mile away. Or many miles away. It depends on how far people are. That's how I was able to sense you girls." Supergirl, Batgirl, Bumblebee, Zatanna, and Green Lantern were impressed. "It's almost like Supergirl's super hearing," Batgirl said. "She can hear anything from a mile away." Spider-Man was impressed by Supergirl's abilities. Bumblebee goes up to thank him for saving her. "It's what heroes do," he said. Bumblebee hugs him and he returns it. Wonder Woman walks up to the group. "Well, whatever happens next, we know we will have a strong ally like you by our side," she said. "You're more than welcome to join us." Spider-Man thanks Wonder Woman for her offer. 

As they continued to talk, a thought slipped Green Lantern's mind. "It's funny, actually, I've never heard of Spider-Man before," she said. "This is the first time I've ever heard of Spider-Man." Supergirl interrupts her thoughts. "That was until today," she said. "Spider-Man exists in Metropolis today." Spider-Man had a thought inside of his head. "These girls haven't heard of Spider-Man before. Could I be in a universe where Spider-Man doesn't exist?" He needed to find answers. "Well, I'd like to stay and chat more, but I better get going," Spider-Man said. The girls stopped him before he went. "You're leaving already?" Wonder Woman asked. He explained he needed to find answers. "Could we help?" Green Lantern asks. He replies, "I think I need to figure this out on my own. But I'm sure our paths will cross again someday." He goes to the building and starts to climb up. "Thanks for allowing me to help you all," Spider-Man said. 

He launches a web from his arm and swings away. He's waving goodbye to his new superhero friends and they wave goodbye back. Bumblebee looks at Spider-Man with a smile on her face. "I hope we meet again," she said to herself. Spider-Man was then running to the rooftop, hoping to find a place that could have some answers.

Fades over to the next scene with Gwen's face.

Scene 16

Back on Earth 1610, Gwen has been by her watch waiting for a Spider-Man or Spider-Woman to get back to her about Miles, but there has been no response from anyone. Jefferson walks in to check on her. "Any word from anyone?" He asks her. Gwen looked at him with disappointment meaning that there hadn't been a response. She seems to have given up hope, but she still remembers what Jefferson has said. She wouldn't give up on finding Miles, and she never will.

 That's when there came a knock on the door. Rio answers and Peter B. Parker is there. She lets him in and Gwen comes over. "What happened to Miles?" He asked Gwen. She looks as if having trouble trying to find the words to say to Peter. Then Peter looks at Gwen and he sees how upset she is.

Scene 17

Back on Earth 1, Miles is at a computer. He's researching Spider-Man to see if one exists. So far, no luck. He thought to himself, "Maybe this is a Universe where Spider-Man doesn't exist. That Green Girl was right. If they haven't heard of Spider-Man before, then this must be outside the Spiderverse. But why would World Collider want me here? Is it because of what I said? I need to figure this all out."

 As he was reading through the news on the computer, he saw those girls again. "So they're known as the Superhero Girls?" he thought. "Maybe they can help me get back to my earth. That's probably what I should do." But then he thought about it, and he figured it would be best if no one found out his true identity. Otherwise, bad things could probably happen if they do. He looked at the paper, and the title read, "Metropolis High." His Spider-sense started to tingle. That's when he had an understanding of what his Spider-sense was telling him. "I need to blend in with that school and join them. That's how I can keep my identity hidden for a while until I can find a way back" he thought to himself. Miles then leaves the computer and starts looking for a place to live.

Scene 18

We are overheard by Gwen as the scene goes on. We see her and then it goes back to Miles. It's a back-and-forth scene. She is saying, "It's hard without him. Losing him again and not knowing where he is is going to be a challenge. I know we will find him, but it's going to take some time. Wherever he is, I just hope he's safe. I don't want to lose him again. Don't worry Miles. We're going to find you."

The scene fades to black and then reveals the title once more.

End Scene

Back at Spider Society, Spiderwoman was finishing up Gwen's message. After the message is done, she goes to her computer to look up World Collider. There's only one result. "That has to be the guy," she said. "I'd better get to Gwen and tell her the issue. After what happened, I owe her." She gets her things and goes on her bike to meet with Gwen. Miguel comes in to ask her about where she's off to. She tells him about Miles's disappearance and asks if it's canon. "This disappearance appears to be canon," he said. "But I won't spoil anything that will happen during this canon." Spiderwoman leaves on her bike. Miguel looks at the canon to make sure everything will be alright. As he sees the canon, we see events that are being unfolded in the future. "It's very much canon," he tells himself. Miguel retrieves back to his workstation.

End of Episode 1

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