Chapter 10

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Ever had that feeling of expecting magical and beautiful about something you heard and saw from other person or pictures? I once believed the quote 'expect the unexpected, but you cannot even call it unexpected if it's already expected, right? So I was slammed by the reality instead.

I just know my face cannot be painted as I sat on a chair, arms crossing, brows scrunched up and my eyes glaring.

"Oh come on. It's not that bad." Luke said with a hint of laughter as he look outside the window of my bedroom.

The disappointments I had in me cannot be measured as I wallow myself in expectations versus reality. Convincing myself that indeed it is really not that bad and Luke doesn't help either.

I know the North is cold and I know that it would be covered in snow unpredictedly since the weather is abnormally weird. But I never thought of it happening when I was here, and when I was dead sleep.

Apparently, it snowed last night and the pack prepared a bonfire; a tradition for the first fall of snow. And apparently I was dead sleep that they can't or won't wake me up.

Not only did I missed the first snow of my whole life, I also missed a bonfire while the snow is falling at that.

I know I'm not really a social person, but I'm not antisocial either. And who would say no to good music, good ambiance and good food? Not me.

I was in delirium when I opened the curtains on my window, witnessing how the once greens now covered in white. The surroundings is somewhat on grays and whites, the ambiance is dull but magical. So, I excitedly ran outside, eagerly wanting to feel how the snow felt on my barefeet, how the cottony soft would feel against my skin, how cold it must be; curious to prove if what I percieved the truth, or a fantasy.

Eeecckk. Stupid move.

The intensity of anticipation and eagerness drowned as soon as I opened the door with only a tshirt and a pair of sweat as I was slammed so hard by frost and cold winds, knocking me of my breath as I gasped and wheeze. It seems the cold wind penetrated my lungs and I was reduced in a coughing fit. My barefeet both froze upon contact on the snow, it numb. Thankfully I still had the werewolf blood I drank from the King, or else I might get amputated or worse, I'll need another blood again.

What's worse? Yeah, my eyes is still a glowing green and blue, that I cursed that man to his nine generations.

I was so excited by the snow that I failed to notice the number of people in the living room as I ran, that I caught all of their attention as almost ten warriors; according to Luke, was on my back, until an arm pulled me back inside with a loud bang and I was surrounded by murmurs of

"Is she stupid?"
"She's not fully snow equipped."
"Check her feet."
"Is she healing?"

Then a continue of sigh and murmur.

I looked up preparing a smile and thanks when all of a sudden the crowd became dead silent then a chorus of growls was heard.

"I was confused by the Kings presence. It was just you." A female shierked. The followed by a
"You sullied the King."
"How dare you bonded with the King."
"A vermin"

A lot of contemptuos words afterwards that I had to be guarded until I was in my room. Thankfully, a lot of warriors was present at that time or else I would be injured again by an attack of a jealous shewolf.

"Not bad?" I scoffed. "Now I can't even step a foot outside." I snapped while rolling my eyes.

"Oh come on. No one really goes out until the snow stops. You know how cold it was outside" He shrugged not really caring if I was insulted or not. "I promise to give you a tour once the snow stop."

I raised one brow as I harrumped remembering what happened earlier. "If I knew I would be hated and treated with contempt, I would never accepted your King's offer."

"You don't even have any choice to begin with." He murmured but I somehow still heard it. I was preparing a list of disapproving words when the door swunged open and the King stroll across the room with a look that's said I screwed up.

"You're dismissed." He said, still staring at me. I sank on my chair, uncrossing my arms and puts in my lap instead, not breaking any eye contact.

"You caused quite a commotion today." He started as soon as the door closes, placing his self on a nearby chair. "I remember strictly commanded not to wander outside."

My eyes grew wide as I gaped at him. Unbelievable. "I clearly did not heard you commanded anything." I sassed.

I know I shouldn't sassed, that I should remained timid and submissive but something urge me to annoy this specimen infront of me. I don't even understand where this courage come from. Is it mine or is it the blood? Am I really bonded to the King?

"You did not. But they did." He said firmly, jaw ticking, still looking at me like I had screwed up so bad.

I can't help myself but utter "Am I your prisoner then?"

Cold sweats ran my back, my hands felt clammy as his stare intensifies. Part of me wanted to know why the King bother me these days so much, but I had a feeling that I would regret if I heard the truth afterwards. One thing I know for sure is, it confuses me what part of me gain his attention.

"No. You're not." He seems breathless as he stood up taking slow steps towards me, making me look up, not taking any chance of removing my gaze away from him.

I flinched as his hand found the side of my face. Goosebumps covers with each of his caress. "Then why am I guarded and locked up?"

The only answer I got was his smile. And a build up of an emotion I knew clearly wasn't mine. A cold shiver ran down my being, as if I was splashed by a cold water much worst than what I experienced earlier.

"You look magnificent." His thumb caressed the corner of my eyes. This is the very first time I was complimented by the opposite sex, an alpha male at that, I know I should be grateful but his compliments made me want to dig up and bury myself alive wanting to escape those swirling and glowing green and blue eyes.

I gulped, breathing heavily and speechless, not risking any chances and might trigger his urge to possess. His own feelings almost choked me while pilling up my own conciousness. He looked at me with fascination and I just knew the glowing and swirling of my eyes mirrored his.

As if the swarming emotions is not enough, the sinister of his smile told me how fucked up I was.

"Now, be a good girl and stay here." He murmured, bowing his self as he whispered on my ear while planting a kiss there. His hands lowered towards my neck, drawing circles on a pulse there.

I forced myself to remain still as he took a heavy breath, inhaling deeply, taking in my scent.

With that he straightened up, adjusting his shirt, gaze still glued on me. "You're allowed to roam around once the snow stops and If the cold is already tolerable for you. Until then, remain here. Do not wander."

Then he kissed the back of my hand as he said. "I still have business I need to finish. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Please don't appear infront of me again.

I want to say. But I bit my tongue, supressing myself.

And I never realized I was holding my breath until he disappeared.

His words held promise and unsaid punishment if violated. It seems he's excited if I defy and oppose him. Either way, I won't try my luck and disobey since I know real well, I can't afford his punishment.

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