Chapter 4

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I tried to steady my breathing and beating heart as I released deep breaths. That was so scary I can't believe I saw northerners in their human forms, not an ounce of dirt or crumple in their clothes. They looked so firm, elegant, strong and dark.

But I'm fine.

"Bry. You really are fine." I stood up as I saw who's standing one meter away from me.

"Muddy and all, but you really looked fine Bry." She added. I can see how disheveled she looked, probably from running from all those Alphas.

Wait, if she's running from all those Alphas, fuck this is bad. I stood up as I prepare myself to run away. I don't wanna get caught up from Alphas competition.

"Stay here. Go back, when the sun starts to rise." But remembering what the northerner said, makes me think otherwise, but then

I took a step back planning to go away not really far away from here, but far from her. And a wicked smile formed her lips. "You're hurting me Bry. You want to run away from me too?" Putting her hand on her chest like she's wounded. "You can't Bry."

"I really think this is a bad idea Cass. There's seven men, and . . .they're gone now. They're looking for you. I think you really need to go." I said. Hoping she will believe me.

"You know Bry. I once participated in a Mating Ceremony. But my fated claimed another shewolf infront of me." Cassidy said while tears slowly falls. Despair, lonliness, but never an ounce of guilt. "I killed her mate after. Ah. I was hoping he would be in this ceremony. He's a northerner after all."

This is bad.

Alarm bells ringing in my ears as I took another step wanting to distance myself from her. I knew how hot-headed, strong, and firm Cass is, but killing someone's mate is beyond my comprehension that I didn't even realize that I was still taking steps away from her. No. They're not looking for her to make her their mate. They're looking for her for revenge. And I was in a deepshit in between them.

"Cass. . . ."

"Abrielle. You're wrong." She said as she looked so sad like I was in the end of my life.  "You're not supposed to be here Bry. I told you I'll run a headstart. I thought you understand. I can't really say to you not to go deeper into the forest.  They're listening"

I shook my head, not believing in every word she said. "They're looking for strong wolves Cass. Not . . . ."

She cut me off saying, "Not them Bry. They're never interested in the strong to begin with that's why I'm rejected" She said sadly. "I can't protect you Bry. I tried but,  you're long since surrounded. . . Not a step back Bry."

She warned as I halt my steps, but the urge to run, wanting to fled away from here, clouded my senses.

"I was looking for you. Cassidy." A voice was heard before someone emerge from the darkness of the night.

"Ethan. It's been a while." Cassidy greeted the man. The brown-haired man from before whom I now know his name is Ethan.  "I'm here. Now, let her go." Cassidy said with a stern voice.

"That's not really for me to decide, sweetheart." He answered as he took a step forward, before offering me a smile. "Hello again, Miss Abrielle."

I heard someone scoffs before Cassidy said, "Let her go." She said firmly. "She's. . ."

"Human." Someone cut her off.

"Nate." I heard Cassidy say but I don't really know who is she addressing since now that I noticed it, we were indeed surrounded." "Where is he?"

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