Chapter 9

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Are you accepting my offer?
Are you accepting my offer?
Are you accepting my offer?

Well shit.

"I-- ugh-- well." I stammered staring at his eyes.

Those eyes is a sin, dragging me away from reality. I can feel myself falling to a voidness I knew I couldn't escape. Those eyes held me at his mercy made me feel like agreeing to anything, pulling me to an oblivion and locking me in. unsurprisingly, deep inside me I know I'll let him. Despite being innocent, If he said I'm a sinner, then yes I am one.


A sinful. Is this the power of a King or am I just lost because of his beauty? Surely, the Goddess must really took her time sculping him. There's no way of questioning why is he the King, the exude power, masculinity and promise radiates him even his not trying. So this is why they follow him, he can command just by his stare. What he wants, he gets.

I wanted to refuse but Luke's gestures in my peripheral made me rethink and be careful to what should I say. His arms flails around, head shaking and mouthing 'yes' then nodding. He's doing this a couple of times before Denv smacked him, stopping him from looking stupid.

Sighing, I lowered my gaze clearly noticing his hands on my swollen knees. He must have noticed my stare as he started doing circles. His palm is warm, so warm that the heat travels on every fiber of me, resting on my core shamefully, making me clench myself and blush furiously.

A smile on his already smiling face and a twitch in his nose told me he knows what his effect on me. That made me turn red.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." I started, clearing the lump on my throat while sitting straighter, working harder to appear less intimidated and less embarassed than I ever be. If he can smell my arousal, I know everyone in the room can smell it too.

"If you allow this humble being to accept, I'd be glad. Sire." I continued, croaking at the end. I sound like a defeat.

The King stood and sat next to me, ushering me to come closer which I reluctantly oblidged.
His hand caught my arms, pulling me too close to my liking. I can feel his body heat, and it's not really helping in my already aching system. The pooling on my core told me how deprived I am and lusting towards this Man.

Doctor Henry was fast on his feet as he appeared with a silver - looking like a knife, handing it towards the King in which he places an arm infront of me like an offering.

I took a glance at his eyes again in hopes of having any idea what he might be thinking, but his eyes is so intense and his devilish smile is not helping. Somehow, I was having second thoughts about this. I know accepting is really a bad idea, but refusing will warrants me something more unpleasant. He's not really asking in the first place despite sounding questioning. He wants this, and as much as I hated this, I needed this to speedup the healing process.

The faster I'll get better, the faster I'm out of here. Is what I thought.

The bleeding arm infront of me dictates me how wrong I was in accepting this offer. I am really regretting my decision in saying yes. Seeing blood ooze out made me so nauseous I was keeping a gag the whole time he was slicing his self up. How can he wound himself up so easily surprise me beyond. I can feel myself getting lightheaded and knowing I should drink or lick those blood made dizzy.

"You need to get fast-----" he smoothly said fanning his breath on my ears. "And it's healed."

I sucked in a breath partly wishing that he'll get fed up, annoyed to stop all of this. "I'm sorry." I managed.

But then, all I heard was a growl then I was yanked on my feet, placing me on his lap. I managed to push myself a little away from him, placing my hand on his chest. Before I can breath a single objection of him slicing his neck, he grabbed my nape then pushed me, my mouth on his neck and his blood flows on my mouth.

I tried pushing him away but his strength prevents me from moving an inch away and his warm hard chest againts my palm burns me towards lust but I stilled my movement as I feel it. A growl managed to escape from his chest as he breath in. "Keep doing that." He rasp on my ear, licking in the process.

I whimpered. As much as I'm so turned on, I was deeply scared. His blood taste iron and euphoria, it's doing something I clearly know that I refuse to acknowledge. I was so focused on getting away that I fail to notice that I was grinding on him, edging him, until I felt his hardness. And what terrified me most is him pushing me towards his self, moving, letting me know how endowed he is. How is it possible to be this big. Clearly he was enjoying this.

Releasing my head, I plan to spit out his blood but a hand on my nape and a hand covering my mouth and nose obstructing me from breathing prevents me from doing so. "Now, swallow, my dear."

And swallow I did.

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