Chapter 7

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Ever have the feeling of contentment, relaxed, like you're on the cloudnine kind of feeling? Like the feeling of refreshed, light, and just right? Because that's what I am feeling right now. My eyes still shut, my body's draped on the most comfortable matres I have ever been, one of my leg is propped up on a pillow and I was hugging the most soft and squishy pillow with my face burried in it. I was already awake but my body refused to get out of bed.

It's ironic.

I was supposed to be aching, especially on my legs since I ran, tripped, and walked a lot in the mating ceremony. The scratches supposed to be in pain too. But, here I am, being so so comfortable and not in pain at all. I was to be scared at this point while questioning everything; how am I not in pain?, Where am I?, What happened after I passed out?, like hell I care, I refuse to trade this comfort for something that's way out of my control anyways.

I could lay here forever.

But the persistent knock on the door said otherwise.

"Hmhmmm" I mumble on the pillow, too lazy to move.

An opening and closing of the door was heard before a sounds of footstep comes towards me then a chuckle. It was a man, but I know it was just Denv so I don't really mind.

"Wake up princess. Breakfast in bed"

At the sound of breakfast, my stomach growled so loud I didn't even know it was capable of making that sound. I flipped over so fast, staring wide-eyed, flushing and blushing at Denv who then chuckled again then smiled warmly.

"What happened after?" I asked feeling comfortable as I settled on the bed, with Denv sat on the chair aside. The aroma reached my nose making me swoon on pancakes and maple syrup and hot chocolate. I'm not really a fan of pancakes but this goodness is an exception and I moaned, not really minding Denv.

There's a lot of question swarming on my head I don't even know where to start or what to start asking, like how are we in the North already and etch.

"Well, " he started with a clearing of his throat. "Henry helped you fall asleep since the portal might make you uncomfortable."

"A portal?" I gasped. So that must be the reason why we are on the North when it was supposed to be a one week travel. I expected to be on the road and on the sea while traveling to the North, passing on a portal was way beyond my expectations. It was so shocking since from what I know witches and werewolve doesn't involve each other that much.

It was disappointing that I was asleep on the whole ride though.

"But I though witches and werewolves don't like each other?" I can't help but ask. Witches stick to their coven, though most of them are quite adventurous, but majority doesn't really like the other race.

"We have a good relationship to them. It was like going to another pack, you don't really know what to expect hence we're uncomfortable in each other." He said as a matter of factly. "Witches is quite unpredictible since they all vary, with a variety of magic, a broad kind of majics. Unlike us, who's strong, hightened senses, fast, best tracker, a hunter, but sometimes predictable since we just shift." He shrugged.

"And you might not know if a witch cast a spell on you sometimes" I interjected, repeating what the teacher said in school like a qoute in which made Denv nod.

"They're our ally. They help in things that we cannot do alone."

And I felt there's something more to it. More to the happenings, and more to everything that he said because, he sound so lost for a moment.

"Henry is one of the doctor." Changing the topic. "He persistently administered you painkillers, anesthesias on your scratches." He grimaced as he looked at my state, his eyes roaming around my arms that's showing on the large tshirt that I wore. It must be a bad memory for him to have that awful expression on his face. "I had to stop him from drugging you though."

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