Chapter 3

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I've been walking in the forest for how long now. I stopped running since I realized how deep I was inside the forest and when I realized I was alone. Well, I'm not really alone since I kept seeing and past-by some wolf or men and other girls from other packs. Some even went as to approach me, greet me. And some is just a dick in their wolf form nudge me hard enough to make me fall, now I'm full of mud. My white dress  only have a portion left of clean part.

When the signal starts, I didn't run at once. I waited for them to finish and to give me a path before I stared running. Some maintain there human forms, some shifted and some shifted mid-air before runing towards the forest. It really is a beautiful sight. Wether I'm an audience or a participant, the start towards the woods never fail to amazed me. Well, minus the part where some of them stumbled and fall, some bumped into each other, some even drag the person infront of them to fall together. It was really an amazing, funny and beautiful sight. And I really didn't put an effort to masks my scent since someone is gracious enough to push me into the mud when I got into the forest before they run somewhere while nodding, laughing and giving me an OK, and some even throws leaves and grass on my head like a confetti which I had a hard time removing.

The forest is bright. Tall trees, greenest leaves, with plants all over the place. The moon looks so majestic, shining everything. It's not eerie, it's not scary at all. It just looks peacful and secured. Like a haven for someone like me. Well, it helps with the fact that this place is full of warriors so this is the most safest place with zero possibility of rouge attacks.

Let's not just think about those wolves running around, grows, howls, whimpers and *cough* moans.

My attention went to the rustling sound to the plant on my side. I know there's a wolf coming my way but even though I meet some wolf and they just greeted me, ignored me and nothing happened, meeting one in a place where I considered I was alone still made me nervous.

I stopped on my tracks and waited for the approaching wolf. One thing I learned about meeting the other wolf is do not run. They love the chase, so after running when I heard some rustling sound, rolling the mud with the wolf and then the wolf huff on my face before he walks away, I realized that there's really a no point in me running. They'll just leave if I stood still and let them smell me.

The wolf emerge and I can't believe how huge it is compared to the others. It's fur is a mixture of black and specks of brown. His stance is different and I know It's an alpha.

I stood still, watching him, controlling my breath as he approached me slowly. For a big guy like him, I can see he's really giving his best to be less intimidating as to not scare me away. And I can't help but smile deep inside me.

He circle around me before he took a step again and so I offered him my hands in which he answered by a huff taking a sniff at me. My hands and arms are clean and free of mud after a male wolf literally drag me towards a stream and urge me to atleast clean my hands before he runs somewhere. He said it's about making me look like not totally unwilling for this mating ceremony because there are other wolves who preys on someone who doesn't really want to get mated. And this will make me, lower my already zero value.

The wolf then huff then slide his chin on my side before taking a step back, and he's gone. See? Easy. I didn't run. I'll just let them approach me and smell me if they like. Then they're gone. They never forced, or chased.

As I walk deeper and deeper, I met more wolves but their coats is darker and much larger than the wolves I met earlier. They also become sturdier and more intimidating, so that's why I decided to stop. The reason I walked into this deep is because northerner wants a strong shewolf, that's what I observed. And most of the Southern, Western and Eastern packs wolves want someone to spend the rest of their time and have a family. The three packs avoid the northerns, the northerns occupy the deepest part of the forest, being in between makes me in between of the both packs, and only strong ones are here. Meaning, my already zero rate, is below zero now.

I guess this is enough. I said to myself as I sat on a tree roots. Stretching my feet and relaxing my knees. Once I sat down, I realized how tired I was from all those walking and rolling around. I was massaging my leg when a rustling sound came again and a man emerge. This is the first time I see a northern werewolf man, in a human form ever since I walked deep into the woods.

"A human." He said as he deeply gazed at me. "Good evening Miss. Have you seen a woman with blonde hair and green eyes?" He spoke politely as he maintained his distance.

Blonde hair and green eyes? He's not talking about Cassidy, right?

"Good evening sir." I greeted in a small which I can see caught him by surprise.

"I haven't. I just got here."  I continued, erasing the thought that maybe he's looking for Cassidy. It's not like Cassidy is the only one with blonde hair and green eyes.

"Have you found her?"

I flinched as I heard another man emerge from the darkness followed by several footsteps. My heart beats fast and nervousness filled my system.

I'll be fine. They're looking for a strong female. Not a  human like me.

"How smart of her scattering her scent everywhere. Running around and laughing at our faces." A man with dark hair and dark eyes said.

There's seven men around me. All tall, broad shoulders, and intimidating. Their beauty surpasses my vocabulary I can't find the right words to describe them, they look  like a dark sin, like the moon goddess took her time sculpting each one of them to perfections. Just breathing the same air as them makes me feel so intimidated that I want to let the ground eat me. I just want to disappear, like my existense will taint them.

I roamed my eyes around and I caught my breath as I saw one of them staring straight at me.

"You." He said. And that's where everyone attention shift to me. His voice so deep, shaking me to the core. "Name."

"Cassidy, from the west? I don't know if it's her you're looking for but she's the only one I know with blonde hair and green eyes." I answered my voice shaking as goosebumps filling my system. It's not that I am a snitch nor a bad friend, I just believed that Cassidy is a smart, strong-alpha female and they won't catch her.

"I'm not asking her name. I'm asking yours, Miss." He said, walking towards me slowly like a predator stalking his prey. I can't help but feel scared that I unconciously moved back. Wrong move.

"Hmmm."  he smiled. His smile is so dazzling, if this is a different situation he would be my crush for next 10 years. But right now, his smile makes me wanna pack my bags and leave the pack life, they made me so scared I want to stab myself and be gone.

And I swear I heard someone lowly growl.

"Abrielle." I squek as he got close and sat infront of me. He's close. And I saw the others approached too.

"Abrielle." He repeated like tasting my name in his lips. And I can't help but shiver, and terror runs through my veins as I saw how deep his eyes are and how dazzingly fake his warm smile is.

He presented his palm at me indicating that he wants my hand. Just like those others wolves did, sniffing my hands.

I'll be fine. I'll be fine.

But I really can't control my shaking. So with a shaky hands, I put my hand in his as I looked down, so scared to see what expressions he's making. He grasp my hand and I felt hot breath in my wrist before I felt my hand get passed on. I looked up only to see clear brown eyes and brown hair staring at me, replacing the guy from before. And then the seven of them took turns, held and sniff my hand.

They're looking for Cassidy, what are they doing wasting their time here.

None of them walks away or disappeared. They all stood there while looking at me with deep gazed. I don't really know what they're thinking. And I can't help but move further away, plastering my back on the tree  not withdrawing my eyes in each one of them.

"She'll be fine." One of them said.

"Do not run around. And stay here. Go back when the sun starts to rise." The brown haired man said as he started to walk away. Then the rest follow. The only one left is the first man who approach me.

"Ah. Abrielle" then he walks away.

There's something in the way when he said my name that makes me want to crawl or run away further away.

"When this is over, I hope I'll never see them ever again." I murmur.

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