Chapter 2

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"You're going to the ceremony in that state?"

I cannot believed what I'm seeing right now as I stare at Cassidy dumbfoundedly. And It's just not me who's shocked right now but so as everyone else, "Of course, I'm going in this state." She sassed while crossing her arms.

"You need a shower." Someone said from the crowd. "You reek."

Cassidy rolled her eyes as she looked at them and said, "Oooohhh" she cooed, "I wonder who's scent is this though." Then she grinned as she made her way towards me.

"Yo. " she greeted. And I just rolled my eyes at her.

Forcing every unmated in every pack is beyond in everyone's expectations and stripping them of their rights to choose when to be mated. It's clear that not everyone wants to be in this ceremony, but to blatantly display this disgust towards the ceremony. . . It's like not respecting the King himself. And as wolves, they value royalty and heirachy so much, so Cassidy's display of displeasure and disrespect surprises everyone. Not me though.

"Ready to be mated?" She purred as she linked her arms around mine.

"I'm not getting mated cass." I sighed as I felt a headache forming. " I decided that I'll just avoid everything and everyone."

"And how can you do that being wolfless at that."

"I'm human cassey, and I don't exude or produce those scents that you guys produce. Just like now, I know you just got fucked but I can't smell anything other than your perfume." I explained. Seriously, did I just say that being with cass is like being with a bimbo? She's an alpha, she's supposedly smart and strong. But you just need to explain to everything her sometimes.

Tonight is full moon, and tonight is the most awaited Mating Ceremony, and we are now preparing for our departure. I stood here with my small duffle bag, watching everyone else. It's fascinating how everyone's reactions and facial expressions differ from each other. There's tense, happiness, giddy, nervousness, restlessness scared, displeasure, excited, bored and some  are just calm. Just like me, calm.

"Well shit." Cassidy said as we made our way to the busses. "How nice it'd be if I was wolfless and scentless."

Cassidy is really a bitch right now but I understand her. Tonight's a full moon and maybe her heat's approaching plus her displeasure towards the mating ceremony, this is really taking a toll on her. I know there's something about cassidy that I don't know and the packs not really willing to talk to.

I'm different and I can't go back to my own world, it's not because they won't let me but It's because I probably won't survive out there. I evade the mating ceremony just because I can, and because I'm different. But Cassidy has her deep reasons, so the packs tolerate her.

"You'll be fine. Cass." I said as I found a seat and she seated next to me. "We're just going to spend a night outside like we did most of the time and it's done."

"You'll be fine bry. But not me." There's a tiredness in her voice that made me looked at her wide eyes. This is the first time I heard her say something with a voice like she's loosing a grip. "This year's mating ceremony will be different. And the runt, wolfless and humans is not the outsiders or the outcast but them bry. I just know something will happen, I can feel it. My wolf is restless. She wants to run away." She whispered.

We rode in silence for a while as I contemplate to say something to encourage her or to loose some tension. But, who am I kidding, as much as Cassidy need some encouragement, I need it too. Because even though how calm I was, I know deep inside that I'm scared and I want to run too. She's an Alpha wolf, she's dominating and strong, she can handle herself. But me? The weakest of the pack is much stronger than me.

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