A Bright Beginning

Start from the beginning

As they walked down the halls to convene with the rest of her royal court, mainly her younger siblings, they passed a single portrait on the wall. A portrait of the great Empress Zaurelia standing in front of the Gold Lion f Voltron.

Novae smiled at the portrait and continued walking along the corridors, wondering when the rest of her friends would be there to celebrate.


High atop the Kral Zera, Kolivan, Krolia, Kosmo and Keith all stood tall and proud, looking out at the fractured Galra Empire surrounding the bottom of the ceremonial monument.

"With the return of plant Daibazaal, the Galra Empre is at a crossroads." Keith announced to the Galra, "For too long, the people of this extraordinary civilization have been manipulated by a dictatorship that placed a misguided sense of self-preservation above all else. It was tragic, unfortunate series of events that led us down this dark, never-ending path of power and greed. But now... we, the citizens of the Galra Empire have an opportunity to make right all of the injustices set into motion by our forefathers. Because of the sacrifice, strength, and courage of a great Empress, we have been given a second chance to come together in rebuilding the Galra Empire by joining the Galactic Coalition and ushering a new era of peace across the universe!"

The Galra cheered below, ready to start their Empire anew. Keith turned around when he felt a hand on his shoulder, seeing his mother smiling at him. She pulled him close and hugged her son tightly.

"You did great, son." She whispered to him. Keith nodded and pulled away.

"You should get going, Keith." Kolivan reminded him, "The trip may be shortened because of the wormhole, but best to be early to a big party."

"Right. And tell Novae that I say hello." Krolia added.

"I will. See ya later." Keith said and went with Kosmo to the Black Lion. Keith changed in the Lion and sped through space to make it in time for the celebration.


In a grand dining hall, several aliens were seated to have a feast and to speak about political matters. However, the latter wasn't going as smoothly as one would have hoped.

"Your armies have attacked us at every turn." One of the chancellors shouted.

"If you had just agreed to our terms, the attacks would not be necessary." Another chancellor from the opposite side shouted back.

"You're occupying a peaceful settlement!"

"Our people were starving!"

"Chancellors." Hunk said, bringing their attention towards the Yellow Paladin. He picked up a couple of plates dressed with delicious and exotic food.

"Please, sit. Dinner is served." Hunk went around the table and gave each of the chancellors a plate of delicious food.

"The filet of bandrillo, spiced with the seasoning from the plans of planet Mabo, alongside pilaf of long-grain frolongian brill from the vast fields of Antidoll. And to follow it, a sparkling cider made from the freshly picked berries of the south forests of Estellia. Bon appétit."

Everyone around the table looked down at their plates and began to eat, their eyes widening from the scrumptious flavors coming together.

"Delicious!" One of the chancellors praised the cooking.

"And it wouldn't be possible without the cooperation of all three planets of the Xritoo system." Hunk said and gestured to his cooking crew, "Much like my cooking crew, comprised of aliens from all across the the cosmos working together to bring you this delicious meal. Just like the stars in the sky combining to provide light in the dark universe, the people of your planets working together would achieve more than you could have ever imagined."

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