12 - maybe...?

46 3 0

[A/N: lotsa dialogue for this chapter, but i think you'll like it ;) enjoy!]

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Hotel Rexford - Goodneighbor

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I was leaning on the bed as Danse paced a few feet in front of me. It had been quiet since we'd gotten up here, and I was just dying for him to get it out. For him to tell me he hates me, that I was the most disappointing Initiate he'd ever seen, that he was only with me now out of pity. At least the drinks I had would soften the blow.

Danse sighed, turning to face me. "I'm... sorry. For my hesitation. I just wanted to say a few things off-the-record."

"Off-the-record?" I echoed incredulously. "That's not like you, Danse."

At the same time, it was ironic. Here we were on a long-winded 'recon' mission that was as much of an effort to help the Brotherhood get into the Institute as it was to help me. Sure, it wasn't a total lie, but the fact that I even had a child that was missing was its own under-the-radar information, let alone becoming our first priority over reporting back to Maxson. If we were perfectly following Brotherhood etiquette, every step of this mission would've been recorded so far — but quite clearly, we weren't.

"...Which is why this is going to be difficult for me to say, so I'd appreciate if you'd bear with me," Danse muttered, averting his eyes.

I nodded, tipping up my chin. "I'm listening."

"Alright." Danse took a quick breath before continuing. "When you were first placed under my sponsorship, I had some serious reservations about it. Despite that, and all that's occurred on this mission... this has turned out to be a rewarding experience. For both of us."

My eyes widened in surprise, but I made myself stay quiet, wanting to hear every word he'd say. Rewarding...? Even after I'd let two synths live and a Mutant?

"...At this point, honestly, I don't feel like there's anything else I could teach you about being a Brotherhood soldier that you don't already know. You've caught on quickly. Though your application has... wavered... you still show your knowledge and training quite well."

I fumbled with my hands, nodding in agreement.

"Regardless, I see in your attitude and actions that at a whole, you intend to keep those ideals close to your heart. Although we may... disagree on how it's done, and there's some things you'd need to work on, you've shown plenty of passion and zeal. You are tactful and think before acting."

"...I feel like I'm about to get some bad news," I joked, trying to hide my nerves.

"No, no... despite what you may think due to what happened earlier, not at all. I'm just... not very good at these things. There's some things that you've made me think about and... ahh. Just let me start at the beginning."

I watched in shock as Danse wandered over to the bed, taking a seat beside me. He folded his hands into his lap, his knuckles slightly white as if he was fighting his own nature in being this close to me, so casually, starting to open up. He probably was.

"...I grew up alone in the Capital Wasteland. Spent most of my childhood picking through the ruins and selling scrap. When I was a bit older, and had a few caps to my name, I moved into Rivet City and opened a junk stand. While I was there, I met a guy named Cutler. We got along pretty well, watched each other's backs and kept each other out of trouble."

The Human Condition - Fallout 4 | OC x Danse |Where stories live. Discover now