4 - crazy, he calls me

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Danse and I had finally made our way back to the surface, the sunlight blinding after the dimness that we'd been trapped in. I held the Deep Range Transmitter in my hand, having dug it out of the ashes of a disintegrated synth. The mission had ultimately been a success; we enjoyed an uneventful return to the surface, both of us quiet while processing.

The Paladin eventually took off his helmet, turning towards me with a neutral face when we stepped away from the doors. "Well, that could've gone smoother, but... mission accomplished."

I scoffed but tucked my pride away. "I thought we worked well as a team," I offered, shrugging nonchalantly.

"...Agreed. It's a refreshing change to work with a civilian who can follow orders properly."

Was that... sarcasm?

The faintest upturn of the corner of his lips indicated so. I gave him an amused smirk in response.

"...That being said," he continued, "I believe we have two important matters to discuss." He motioned to my arm that still tightly clutched the transmitter. "If you'll hand me the Deep Range Transmitter, I'd like to compensate you for your assistance during this operation."

"Of course." I handed it to him at the same time that he lifted up a modded laser rifle, offering it to me. I glanced between it and him in surprise, slowly taking it into my hands as directed.

"I think you'll find this weapon useful. It's my own personal modification of the standard Brotherhood laser rifle." He dipped his head a bit in respect. "May it serve you well in battle."

I held it closer to my face, seeing the words Righteous Authority engraved on the side. "Thank you!" I exclaimed, genuinely grateful. It was an impressive high-tech weapon, certainly more advanced than anything I had yet to see in the Commonwealth.

"You're welcome, civil— er..." He cleared his throat again, dismissing the rest of that sentence entirely. "Now... as far as the second matter goes, I wanted to make you a proposal. We had a lot thrown at us back there. Our op could've ended in disaster, but you kept your cool and handled it like a soldier. And you were willing to lay your life on the line while still preserving the mission." He caught my eyes once again, not a shred of falsehood in his tone. "There's no doubt in my mind that you've got what it takes."

I shuffled my feet under his intense gaze, suddenly excruciatingly aware of my every move with his eyes on me. Am I... nervous?

"...When we met at the police station, you indicated that you wanted to join the Brotherhood of Steel. Is that something you're still willing to do, or should we just say our goodbyes?"

I straightened my back, taking a quick breath. Part of me still doubted — besides the Institute, the Brotherhood was the biggest name around, dropped as a cautionary tale and sort of imposing force that many dreaded. By some, welcomed; by others, despised.

But none of that was as important as it being the means to my end: finding Shaun. And perhaps getting some good fire support and supplies on the way. I was used to being whatever, whoever I needed to be in order to get things done. To find my son. So I nodded once, returning my gaze to his.

"...I'd be honored to join."

Danse smirked, clearly pleased. "That's what I wanted to hear. Meet me back at the police station in a day or so, and we'll discuss the details."

"Well alright." The anticipation of what was to come had suddenly just hit me; there was so much I didn't know, so much I wanted to ask and see. Yet despite the unknown, I found myself grinning, the quiet excitement more present than anything else. "I'll meet you there."

The Human Condition - Fallout 4 | OC x Danse |Where stories live. Discover now