8 - orange-colored sky

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Road To The Glowing Sea

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Danse and I had to travel for two days since we were going on foot. The journey proved perilous before we even reached the Sea; the farther south we'd go, the more untamed the Commonwealth became. We got into more skirmishes than we cared to recount, leaving us exhausted and battered, having to take several stops to eat and rest.

We hadn't talked too much outside of tactical conversation and ideas. Besides that, it seemed any personal things were off the table. I hated the tension, but I knew the fact that he was there with me spoke enough about the fact that he didn't despise me. At least, I thought he was trying to understand — and that was enough for now.

"Coulda used MacCready's extra fire by now," I muttered to myself, stretching my arms out.

"...MacCready? Who's that?"

I glanced over, embarrassed. I had thought Danse wouldn't pick up on my mumblings.

"A friend of mine," I explained. "Started out as a hired gun, but he's become a good ally. Helped me out of a lot of hairy situations."

"Is he like your other friend?"

I rolled my eyes; I couldn't tell if his voice was laced in sarcasm or bitterness regarding Nick, or both. "No, purely human... as far as I know." I crossed my arms. "Apparently Gen 3 synths could be anyone among us, so who am I to know?"

"Fair point," Danse muttered. Then he gestured southwest, changing the topic. "Anyway... we should get going again. Make it to the Edge before nightfall so we can rest up before heading out."

"Yeah." I stood to my feet, grimacing at the sore pain that wracked my body. Even though the power armor absorbed most of the hits and bullets, the momentum and pressure still hit like a truck. I took out my dead fusion core and replaced it with a fresh one while saying, "Let's go, then."

We set out for another few hours, the glaring sun starting to lower in the sky. We finally came to a stop atop a hill, looking out and seeing the land start to fade into a hazy brownish- and yellowish-green, like a thick poisoned fog descending upon the ground.

"This must be it," Danse muttered. "Let's set up camp for the night."

"Alright." I fought my apprehension and made sure to do everything he asked, hoping to at least alleviate some of the suspicion from him. I hope he knows he can still trust me...

We settled back into some quiet as we both worked, propping up the makeshift foldable tents and sleeping bags. Danse had exited his armor and started making a fire, roasting some of the goods we'd gathered from creatures we'd killed on our way here.

We ate together in silence until the nagging at the back of my mind wouldn't shut its trap. "Thank you... for sticking with me."

When he looked over at me in gentle surprise, I cleared my throat, willing myself to continue.

"I know you understand my reasons, but that still didn't mean you had to stay. It doesn't mean you still have to follow me into the Glowing Sea based some research from an old prototype synth with the consciousness of someone from before the war, as crazy as it sounds. But you're still here. That... means a lot to me, you know."

Danse paused, nodding slowly. "I've grown to respect you, Knight. That respect isn't given easily. It's the primary reason why I didn't walk away... and I know that as a parent, you must be feeling this all the worse." He paused, looking down at the ground for a moment. "I've... never been a parent myself, so I can't speak to that kind of pain. I can't imagine what it's like. But I want to help, if I can."

The Human Condition - Fallout 4 | OC x Danse |Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang