You see, Ben wouldn't describe himself as particularly weak-minded or easily intimidated --- though, Jeff likely would beg to differ. He somehow managed to get dragged up into Jeff's business due to originally owing him several huge favors. When Ben tried to finally cash out the last one, Jeff simply threatened Ben, with something along the lines of 'if I go down, you go down with me.' One could say that Ben was blackmailed into seeing this through to the end. Ben was one of the only pastas that didn't actually mind humans, and in fact found most of them to be capable of doing good. He didn't agree with Jeff's plan to take down the investigator, regardless of the intent behind it. Nonetheless, Ben continued to bite his tongue, in hopes that everything would be all over soon.

*2 days later*

"You act like I'm a creep all the time, but aren't you the real creep here? Being that you have us out in the park for a game that could be played indoors and all... especially in the middle of the night."

(Y/n)'s eyebrows raised with an incredulous look on her face, before she turned around and continued walking towards a small basketball court. She placed down two small bags that both jingled as they hit the cool pavement, making Jeff even more curious as to what game she had chose. "You don't look it, but you're actually such a fucking baby. It's 6 at night... or did you have a curfew?" Jeff rolled his eyes, not in the mood for her antics. As (Y/n) sat down in front of the two small baggies, Jeff did so on the opposite end, curious as to what the two would play. (Y/n)'s hair swayed slightly in the wind, making her perfume hit his nostrils tenderly. Sweet like roses... He snapped out of it as he witnessed the girl tossing a bag in his lap, while she kept the other for herself. As the fluorescent lights overhead shone on the two of them, they both emptied the contents of the bags onto the pavement in front of them. "The game is clearly marbles." (Y/n) appeared to have also brought a small piece of white chalk, which she drew a medium-sized circle with between the two. Dropping the chalk and clapping her hands together while getting up, Jeff followed along. "We each have ten marbles. The goal is to shoot them into the circle. You may do that, or you may shoot for your opponent's marbles and try to knock them out of the circle."

Jeff snickered lightly, only looking over upon not hearing a response back. "Wait --- that's it? This is our game?"

"That is all."

If (Y/n) had been anyone else in that moment, Jeff would've likely snapped and killed them in an instant. As he clenched and unclenched his jaw repeatedly, Jeff was struggling with regulating his emotions properly. It's clear she wants to get this over with as quickly as possible. I mean... I've known that this entire time, but... calm down, calm down. His heart raced in his chest as he repeatedly attempted to mentally talk himself off a metaphorical ledge. Meanwhile, (Y/n) could practically hear the fumes emitting from Jeff's head. Crossing her arms, she decided to give him a minute to compose himself. Whatever. These were never real games to me. You have caused me so much pain and suffering... I wish I never met you.

It was true that Jeff turned (Y/n) into a sort of monster in her own way, with her compromising her ethics and morals for personal gain. It went deeper than that, philosophically, however --- (Y/n), who had always been logical yet caring, had now turned into a seemingly ice-cold robot; incapable of expressing or comprehending her feelings or humanity had left the investigator craving something no longer attainable. She knew this deep down, yet she still tried to convince herself daily that perhaps if she tried hard enough, if she were able to physically lock him away and bring him to justice... perhaps she may get her humanity back.

Breaking her silence, the woman held back tears as she turned towards the mass murderer beside her. "Rock paper scissors for who goes first." Jeff's angered face turned towards hers, not allowing the sole tear running down her right cheek to go unnoticed. "Come on, I don't have all day." Jeff won the game of rock paper scissors, permitting him to begin. As the two stood there in the cold weather, it almost felt like a bitter ending along with a sweet beginning, even though they had one game after this one to play. Jeff paused as he eyed his now picked up orange marbles in his bag, choosing one of a medium size to go. Standing next to (Y/n) around twenty feet from the circle, Jeff flicked his first marble.

Author's Note: They are both feeling sadness at their relationship soon ending, but for vastly different reasons. For (Y/n), Jeff took away parts of her that she will never get back, yet she continues to strive for these missing feelings in hopes of it. It just isn't possible, not after the sacrifices Jeff has cornered her into making. In Jeff's case, he is obsessive and does not want her to leave. The very thought that she is trying trying rush his exit from her life infuriates him.. He will do anything to keep (Y/n) by his side forever, as he sees her as nothing but an object, a possession that he has won over. What do you guys think will happen next?

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