Chapter Fifty six-"we took it"

Start from the beginning

I glanced at him debating if I should listen to him or not I thought back to Glenn would my punishment be that Glenn would Get hurt I took all my strength and stood up from the chair he looked up at me"Take off your shirt"I wanted to cry but I needed to be brave he's gonna rape me...

"No"I said firmly straightening further he leaned back on the chair"take off your shirt or ill bring Glenns hand in here"I hated how my choice was being taken away from me I grabed the end of my shirt and started lifting it up I pulled it threw my arms and threw it roughly on the ground

I had to have my choice taken from me because I was scared to lose Glenn this isant right I stood there in just my black bra the way he stared at me made me feel 10x worse I took a shaky breath he shruged throwing his arms up"Go on"he was gonna make me stand in front of him with nothing

I held in my sob as my shaky hands lifted to undo my bra once I clipped it off I slid it down my arms I tryed to block my boobs from showing while I threw my bra down once that was done I covered both crossing my arms the air hit me and I shivered he stood up from his spot this was gonna happen and I had to let it

He undid his belt and put it down on his chair I let out shaky breaths as he made his way over to me my body started to shake as he threw the chair behind me away from us every sob that wanted to fly out I held it my body jolted forward every time he stood there staring at me I didn't dare look at him

I looked down as he grabed my short hair playing with it in his hands he leaned down and sniffed it I was fild with discussed I was never gonna be able to get this out of my head I gasped when he grabed my head roughly and pushed me against the table

I could feel his bulge against me and I wanted to scream as he held my neck to force me down"so you gonna talk"I would never tell this man"You can do whatever you're gonna do"I said shakily"and go to hell"He rubbed my hair out of my face

He moved himself ware he was right at the crack of me I never knew what others had to deal with....when they told me they got raped they looked so scared so hurt and now I knew why there choice was taken and it feels uncomfortable he sat up but held me down by my lower back

He moved away from me and I was relieved I didn't move from my spot on the table as he moved away from and walked out of the door I whimpered once he was gone my tears feel down my face I never want to have that done to me again

The door opened once again I froze in my spot as he came up behind me he forced me up"Come on sweetheart"he pulled me out of the room there was a man next to him"well"Merle said once we were in the hall"Dont you look like shit"I whimpered shaking my head

Merle walked up to the room next to us and opened the door I couldn't see in"Uh-uh"Merle said The man dragged me into the room as I held my chest from the sight of these men Glenn was beat blood running from his noise as he pulled me into the room

I sobbed as The man held my arm Glenn raised the weapon in his hand"Hey!"The new man raised his gun at me"Drop it"Glenn looked over at me he looked pissed once he saw me shirtless he dropped the wood he had in his hands"were through with games"The man that held me moved me closer to him

He held up his gun"Now one of you is gonna give us your camp"I didn't want to look away from Glenn I never wanted to again me and Glenn held eye contact like it was the last time we ever would my lips shivered as he pointed the gun at me he could do anything to me as long as Glenn made it out alive

As if the man read my mind he let go of me and walked up to Glenn pointing it to him"The prison"I said giving up everything I promised I wouldn't do I took a step but Merle blocked me"the one near Nunez"Merle asked looking back at me"that place is overrun"

I never left Glenns eyes"we took it"I didn't want to give up everything but I couldn't watch Glenn die"How many are you"I had to tell him I had to"11 we have 11 now"Glenn looked disappointed and that hurt the most"11 people cleared that whole prison of biters huh"He looked back at me as he held the gun to Glenns head

He raised his Gun higher Glenn straight himself up he never once took his eyes off me the man Lowered his gun and made his way over to me"Hey"He rubbed my cheek and I pulled away I didn't want any more of this"Hey shh shh it's all right"He pulled me into him hugging me but I didn't want his hug

I never left Glenn eyes I didn't want to"its all right"He leaned down towards my face I struggled to get away from him he shoved me over towards Glenn once I was close enough I rapped my arms around him sobbing into his neck his hands rapped around me holding me tightly

I put my hand on his head my arm around his shoulders my bar chest was pressed as closely as I could get to Glenn I sobbed into Glenn as he held the back of my neck I rubbed his head This was all I wanted I wanted his arms around me the door closed and I flinched at the sound

"Shh your okay"Glenn whispered into my ear nothing about this was okay and I was definitely not okay he pulled away from me and looked me over"Let me look at you"He grabed my arms and looked down them he looked up at my boobs he sighed and pulled away He took off his shirt I sniffed as he helped me put it on his shirt filled me with comfort

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