Episode 1: An Unknown Universe (Intro and Scenes 1-5)

Start from the beginning

"Gwen, you are more than welcome to stay over," said Rio. This puts a smile on Gwen's face as she hears this. Another knock on the door is then made. Miles uses his Spider web powers to open the door. In comes Miles's dad, Jefferson Davis, still in his police uniform. He is surprised that no one is at the front to greet him, but then sees one of Miles's webs and gets annoyed that he used his powers to open the door. "Miles, how many times do I have to tell you not to use your webs to open the door?" Jefferson says annoyed. Miles responds, "There's been a lot of times you've said that, but in my defense, you should be telling us when you're coming home." His dad would have gotten mad at that, but instead, he let out a chuckle and agreed with Miles.

 "Yeah. I should be telling you that ahead of time, but just don't do that again. Remember what Peter said," as both Miles and Jefferson said this in sync, "With great power comes great responsibility." Gwen laughed at how both of them came in sync with each other, and Jefferson noticed she was there. "Oh hey, Gwen. Didn't know you were here. Guess you'll be joining us for dinner?" Jefferson says to her. She replies yes and tells him she's sleeping over. Jefferson replies, "Well, we don't have an extra bedroom, but the couch should be alright if that's fine with you." Miles then says that he could give Gwen his bedroom and he can sleep on the couch. Miles knows the couch isn't comfortable, which is why he would want to sleep on it and not have Gwen be uncomfortable. But Gwen says it's cool and that she can sleep on the couch. 

Jefferson smiles at his son as he sees what Miles did for his girlfriend. Rio then interrupts and asks Miles to set the table for everyone. Gwen asks Miles if she can help in any way, and he doesn't mind her help. He needs to get a tablecloth with 4 items: bowls, plates, cups, spoons, forks, knives, and napkins. Miles shows her where the silverware is as he gets the bowls and plates. Gwen asks about the cups and Rio points out to where they are. She also asks Gwen to taste the Patatas to see if it's good. She then tastes it and loves the taste in her mouth. Gwen likes it. 

At the Dinner Table, Miles puts down the tablecloth, plates, and bowls, while Gwen puts down the cups, silverware, and napkins. The table is all set, as Jefferson goes to sit down. Miles pushes Gwen's chair out and she sits down in it, then pushes her into the table. Miles then goes to his seat, and Rio brings out dinner.

Scene 4

Cutting back to Metropolis, we see Kara, Babs, Karen, Jessica, Zee, and Diana at the mall enjoying some food that they got. Everyone is enjoying themselves in conversation. Karen, however, has been quiet the whole time. She's been thinking to herself, "Is there more to life than just being a hero?" Diana notices Karen in the state that she's in, and tries to get her attention. Karen doesn't look at Diana and continues to stare blankly. 

Diana then touches Karen, snapping her out of her space, and asks, "Is everything alright Diana?" She replies "I was just about to ask you that same thing. You've been quiet all night sister Karen. Is something troubling you?" The other girls notice Karen's been quiet also. Karen lets out a sigh and tells Diana and everyone else about how she's been feeling. She feels like there's more to life than just being a superhero. She doesn't say it in a bad way to offend anyone, but the way she says it makes her friends concerned for her. Diana then gives Karen advice. "I would always wonder that myself before I came to Metropolis and met all of you," Diana says. "Karen, things in life are just a big mystery to all of us." 

Kara then says, "Sometimes life isn't just about being a hero Karen." Babs interrupts and then says, "Usually life is about what you want it to be. Not what it should be." Then Jessica chimes in. "Karen, there's no need to think that way," she says. Zee continues to Jessica's point. "Yea. If we didn't want to be heroes, where would we be now?" This makes Karen feel better about herself. 

Then Diana continues. "But in life, you make your own decisions. You be the person that you want to be." Karen then lightens up after hearing this. The girls go on to plan to see a movie before heading back to Metropolis. Karen however does continue to think about what was discussed, and still wonders now and then what life would be like if she had balance.

Scene 5

We cut back to the Morales apartment inside Miles's room. He's getting ready for bed. Miles has been quiet at dinner for some time. He did speak a couple of times, but not that often. He was thinking back to what he told his mom earlier and was wondering about how to balance his life as the hero he is and who Miles is. He's interrupted in his thought process by a knock on the door. He answers and Gwen is there. She sensed that he wasn't right today, so she wanted to check on him. 

She goes off to say, "I've noticed that you've been quiet at dinner for most of the time." She then sees a look on Miles's face that she's seen before. A look of questioning. "Oh, I've seen that look before. Do you want to talk about it?" Miles invites Gwen into his room. He begins with, "Gwen, can I ask you something?" She replies "What is it, Miles?" He then says to her how he's having a hard time with his ego as Spider-man when there are times that he just wants to be a normal teen for a day. He looks out the window in his room and asks Gwen, "Is there more to life than just being Spider-man all the time? And if there is, how can I balance that life?" 

Gwen wasn't expecting this from Miles, but she knew how to cheer him up. She says "Sometimes it's hard for us to be who we can be, but at other times, we should be who we want to be. I sometimes wish that I could balance things out in my life with being Ghost Spider and being me, but it's been hard for me after Peter died and making friends. So for my whole life, I've just been Ghost Spider." She pauses and notices that the last thing she says doesn't help out the situation. She continues "But you just need to find that balance in you Miles. You can be both Spider-Man and be you." She then kisses his cheek as a way to show her affection and that she cares. Miles does give a smile as from what she did to him. 

She then humorously asks "So why did you want to sleep on the couch instead of your bed?" Miles then laughs silently not waking up his parents and tells Gwen that the couch was uncomfortable and he didn't want her to not sleep at night. They both share a laugh at this as they realize how funny that is. Miles does say if you do want to switch, we can. She'll think about it, then Gwen leaves Miles's room and heads straight for the couch. Miles then heads to bed, thinking about what Gwen had said to him. 

Cutting to all the girls in the car, but zooming in on Karen who is still awake, while everyone but Jessica is asleep. Then it shows a side-by-side comparison scene of both Miles and Karen about what they wish for in life, wondering what is out there for them. Soon, both of them fall right asleep.

Fade to black here

Into the Multiverse (DC Superhero Girls x Spiderverse) (Episodes 1-6)(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now