Chapter 42

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Hazels POV

After a quick car change, (Leo blew something up and we had to get him a new suit) we were finally ready for prom.
Wait. Never mind. We have to go back home cause Percy forgot his shoes. I'm not kidding. He literally left his shoes at home. Annabeth was ticked.

We finally arrived to prom, officially 47 minutes late. We could hear the music before we even got inside, the band was playing and everyone was dancing.

Everything was perfect. I sighed a happy sigh, then dragged Frank out onto the dance floor.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Percy doing the scuba with Annabeth, and Piper and Jason literally stealing the show with their dance moves.

I looked behind me and almost dropped my flower. Leo was making out with Calypso. I sighed in disgust and looked the other way. Ew.

Everyone was dancing and having a great time. Even though Frank had grown into his body, he still had clumsy feet. To solve the problem, I just stood on Franks feet, so wherever his feet went, I went too.

Annabeths POV

Oh my gods. Percy is a very... Interesting dancer.

Pipers POV

Jason and I started our own dance circle that almost everyone decided to join, which has been a personal goal of mine!

Calypsos POV

*smack, slurp, mmmhhhhhmmm*

Hazels POV

We were getting farther into the night, everyone was more relaxed, when it was time to announce the prom Queen and King!

Everyone gathered anxiously around the stage, while the old principle stood up with an envelope.

"Tonight's prom Queen and King are," she said in a quiet shaky voice, "Hazel Levisque and Frank Zahng."

I felt my face blush, and then Frank had grabbed my hand and was guiding me up to the stage.

The principal was just placing the tiara on my head, when,


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