Chapter 9: The New Dark Lord

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Gosha Village was in celebration.

The soldiers that willingly allied with Fuuma Danjo quickly surrendered and were sent with Y/n's Uruk army. The Taimanin that were forced to join him were imprisoned and would each be given a trial to see if they could join.

At the moment, the younger Taimanin were all having a block party by the Academy to celebrate holding back the revolt. Y/n was dragged to the block party by Sakura, who wanted to celebrate with other Taimanin. Music was playing loudly, and many Taimanin were dancing to the music. Sakura was holding Y/n's arm and was practically dragging him to the block party.

"Come on Y/n," Sakura urged, "This'll be your first party in this world! I want you to have a good time!"

Y/n looked around, seeing many people wearing casual clothing, some more revealing than most. Y/n was forced to not wear his armor by Sakura, which Asagi agreed since she said she would be there too later. Instead, Y/n was just wearing a white ruffled long sleeve shirt and black trousers and boots that Shiranui had gotten him, since his old clothes were just about ready to fall apart from the battle.

"Sakura, just slow down, I don't even know how to dance," Y/n argued, unsuccessfully.

She only rolled her eyes at him, "Oh please, it's just like fighting, with the only risk being a sprained ankle or other joints."

"How is it like fighting? I fight mostly upon instinct with my training put together," Y/n explained.

"Fight without weapons and attacking, just pretend you're on the defense without drastically moving everywhere," she summarized.

A few Taimanin cheered, and Sakura started dancing to the beat. She made every move to try and keep Y/n's attention on her and not his surroundings. As the music kept playing, he felt his heel tapping behind him. Looking back at it, he realized that the tempo of tapping increased, feeling more of his body slightly bouncing to the music.

"What's going on," Y/n asked.

Sakura only rolled her eyes, and took both his hands, "Just follow my lead and go off your instincts!"

She started moving his arms, twisting his body to the beat. Y/n just trusted her word and let his body move with her. Once the beat dropped with the chorus being heard, the Taimanin around him were dancing more wildly. He could see that this was how they danced, and Y/n needed to use his own way to enjoy the song. His movements were small at first, but they were getting more noticeable and bigger.

Sakura laughed and smiled at him, "That's it, now let it all out!"

Y/n then pulled Sakura against him, and they started dancing as a couple to the fast tempo of the music. She made no hesitation to keep herself pressed on his body. As they moved with each other, Y/n kept up the movements before spinning around with her in his arms. As he sped up the spinning, he tossed Sakura into the air, letting her pose, before falling back down into his waiting arms. The two of them kept up the dancing, if one would call Y/n's awkward movements dancing, until the song ended, with Sakura's back being pressed on Y/n's front.

Both were exhausted, but Sakura smiled and laughed, "That was good! I gotta say, I wasn't expecting you to throw me in the air! But it was fun!"

Y/n only shrugged, "I did what you told me to do. Trust my instincts."

"Well you do seem to be having a good time for your first party," Y/n heard Asagi say behind him.

He spun around to not only see Asagi, but also Shiranui and Saika standing there as well. All of them were in casual wear for the block party that was going on around them.

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