Chapter 7: Preparing the Defense

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The morning came quickly for Gosha Village, but waking up the Ranger was no difficult thing to do. All that was needed was the sunlight that would peak through the window and onto his face. His head stirred as the morning breeze blew hair in his face, causing him to open his eyes to a head of dark blue hair laying on top of his chest, sleeping soundly. Y/n was confused as to what was happening before the memories hit him a moment later.

"Right, she asked me to stay," Y/n silently muttered to himself.

He didn't want to move, for fear of waking her up, and laid in the bed with her at peace. Gently, he would wrap his left arm around her, knowing that there was the chance she woke up as he did. She didn't even stir as his arm was now wrapped around her, and his hand was holding her shoulder. He would only enjoy the song of the birds singing their morning songs, and the morning breeze giving only a slight chill, causing him to try and hold back a shiver that would course up his body. However, it didn't stop Asagi from doing so, and this caused her to wake up, seeing her position.

"Good morning Asagi," he greeted, as she looked up at him, "I hope you had a pleasant sleep."

"I did, thank you," she smiled, only to sit up and set Y/n free.

The two of them walked out of her room, and headed to the kitchen in silence, noticing that Sakura either wasn't in the house, or just wasn't awake yet. However, that question was quickly answered as they heard a door open, with a slow shuffling of feet making their way to the dining room, where Y/n sat with his dagger in hand. Sakura sat in the seat across from Y/n and was clearly trying to wake up, only for it to not be very successful,

"Good morning Sakura, do you need coffee," Asagi greeted from the kitchen.

"Please and thank you," Sakura mumbled before her head was gently set on the table.

"And what about you, Y/n," Asagi asked, reaching for a second mug.

Y/n looked at her with confusion, "I've never had coffee, what is it?"

"Oh, right. It's a bitter drink that helps you wake up in the morning, or helps you relieve any stress to keep yourself awake in the day," Asagi explained, "I'll make you a cup as well, that way you can try it yourself."

"Thank you," Y/n smiled, "So is it a common drink in this world?"

"Yes, it is a drink that people across the world enjoy," she acknowledged, "However, it does...clear your digestion and make you hungry later."

"Oh, I see," Y/n nodded, understanding.

The water was boiling, and Asagi explained a little further, "And depending on how strong the coffee is, you'll be able to last much longer in the day so that way your physical chores are done."

"Oh, I am most intrigued about coffee," Y/n says, setting down his dagger.

With that, Asagi smiled and hummed to herself as she made three cups of coffee, adding elements to the way both she and Sakura liked it. She stopped and figured it was best to let Y/n try it how it was.

"Here we are, Y/n wanted to know your thoughts on what you thought of coffee before you learned about adding cream or sugar to it," Asagi says, serving the two at the table.

"Oh, I can add those," he asked, wondering why people would add things to coffee.

"Yes, be careful, it is hot and bitter," Asagi warned.

Y/n shrugged, and carefully let the drink flow through his lips into his mouth. His tongue was immediately met with a hot burning sensation, but he didn't dare spit it out. Once his mouth started getting used to the burning feeling of the drink, he could taste the bitterness that Asagi told him about.

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