Chapter 5: Promises

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Y/n was seen in a meeting room with Asagi, Sakura, Shiranui, Murasaki, and other official members of the Japanese Government. He stood leaning on the back wall, opposite of the wall that showed footage of what happened in the Inma Faction's Brothel/Nightclub. Needless to say, the Officials were impressed, and spoke amongst themselves after reviewing the footage. Y/n looked into the Wraith World, and saw that none of these officials were corrupt, thankfully.

"You nervous Y/n," Shiranui asked him.

"No, why do you ask," Y/n asked back.

She put a hand on his shoulder, "I saw your ring glow for a few seconds, you went into the Wraith World didn't you?"

Y/n nodded, "I was seeing if any of these Officials could be trusted, looks like they can."

"How can you tell the difference in that world," Asagi asked, joining their conversation with Sakura and Murasaki behind her.

"Anyone who is an ally is given a blue color all over their bodies," Y/n explains, "The evil and corrupt ones are red, worms for information are green, and there are white ones that carry treasures."

"Well that's helpful, I wish I had that ability," Sakura muttered to herself.

Y/n smiled at her disappointment, "Don't be too upset, your skills are differently suited."

Asagi nodded, "Remember we can't be rangers like Y/n. We can only pass what knowledge and skills we can to the next generation."

"Nor do any of you have a Ring of Power," Y/n showed them, "It combined with my skills as a ranger are what made me what I am. I could show and teach you a couple that would be helpful in your missions."

Murasaki nodded, "I hope they can. We've lost too many Taimanin to the Demons."

Y/n smiled, "And I've saved a few recently, don't worry, we'll save more to add to our numbers."

Asagi smiled, "Thank you for the encouragement."

The Officials broke up their conversation and rejoined the Taimanin, "We've decided that Ranger Y/n is fit for duty, and shall join the Taimanin as their first Ranger. We look forward to the progress you aim to make with our cause."

Y/n smiled, and shook hands with them, "Thank you sir. I won't disappoint you."

With that, the Officials left the building, and Asagi led everyone to her office. Once they were inside, she sat down relieved.

"Well that went better than expected," Asagi said, "Y/n I'm happy to say that we've found a house for you, unless you'd like to have another built to certain specifications?"

"No, what you are providing will be more than enough," Y/n shook his head, "I've learned to live with what I'm given, and only take what I can get."

She nodded, "Good. It's close to where Shiranui lives, so you two can visit to check on each other. Sakura and I will check on you as well, to see if you are adjusting properly to this lifestyle."

"Thank you, I deeply appreciate what you are doing for me," Y/n bowed with respect.

Asagi nodded, "Of course, you're one of us now. Shiranui, would you please escort him to his new home?"

"Gladly," Shiranui accepted.

With that, the two of them left the room, leaving Asagi, Murasaki, and Sakura with each other in the office. Sakura was deep in thought, "Do you think Y/n is okay?"

"What do you mean," Murasaki asked.

"You don't know this yet," Asagi remembered, now explaining, "Y/n can see people's memories when interrogating them, or for the instance of those he saved, pull them back out of their broken states."

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