Chapter 37

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The night offered fitful sleep for the whole pack. The alphas were on high alert for any trouble either from the outside world or the nightmares that seemed to be plaguing their omega. Each time he would begin to shake or cry out an alpha was immediately caressing him, whispering sweet words of assurance and affirmation in the boy's ear. The night had become quite chilly so they were all crowded close to the omega, trying to keep him comfortable and warm as the cold set in.

Nobody spoke about what they would do tomorrow or the next day. They were in uncharted territory with no plan on where to go from here. The first priority would be to get their omega back to full health, hopefully regaining some of their own powers in the process. Everything else would just have to wait.

As soon as morning broke Yoongi and Hobi went out to scout the surrounding area. They were hoping to stumble across an abandoned cabin or anything that might offer better shelter along with some food and water for their omega. It was still quite early in the spring, cold enough that only the bravest of leaves had begun to peek up through the soil to find the first rays of spring.

Jin stayed in wolf form the entire time the two were exploring, wanting to be available to mindlink if there was any type of emergency. As an added bonus his warm fur was able to wrap around the thin boy who continued to sleep in the middle of the pack, adding another layer of protection against the cold.

When the final two alpha's returned they had a small assortment of supplies, several bottled waters and some snacks that looked like they'd been purchased from a corner store.

"We were only able to buy a few things without raising suspicion. I think it would be best if we left these for our omega since the rest of us can shift and find food and water from more natural sources."

Each of the alphas agreed while Yoongi tried to wake the pup, gently dragging his fingers through the boy's hair. "Hey baby, it's time to wake up so you can have something to eat and drink. I know you're tired but it looks like some food would do you good."

The omega slowly opened his eyes, but it seemed nearly as soon as he confirmed that he was with his alphas he immediately closed them again, heading back off to sleep.

"No sweetheart, you need to sit up even if it's just for a few minutes. Let your alpha's take care of everything ok? You just need to have something to eat, little one."

Jungkook eventually allowed himself to be seated upright and nibbled at the food that was brought to his mouth. His eyes were barely opened and he swayed back and forth, looking like he might drop back off to sleep at any moment. Everyone was relieved when Yoongi agreed he'd eaten enough and could be allowed to rest again.

"I think we need to expect that our omega is going to need a lot of attention. While I know we'll all be happy to give it to him, I really don't want him to be alone even for a minute. In the meantime I think we need to move on. I know we went a long distance yesterday but I want to get even further from the city."

Taehyung chimed in. "While it's faint, I have a clear sense that we are meant to head south from here. If you want I can lead the way."

Everyone agreed and after each of the alphas took the opportunity to forage they prepared to continue on in much the same manner as yesterday, the omega riding on the head alpha with the others surrounding them, Taehyung moving to the lead.

It was several days of largely the same. Running all day, finding any type of shelter to rest at night. By now Jin's ability to teleport was coming back which offered better opportunities for him to get at least basic supplies for the omega to eat and drink. They continue to travel light, just working to make it to whatever destination seemed to be calling to Taehyung.

Jungkook slept for most of the second day while they were traveling but by the third day was spending more time awake. The jolting riding on the alpha's back was becoming increasingly uncomfortable to the omega so every once in a while the pack would slow, allowing Jungkook to walk with them to stretch out his arms and legs and work the kinks out of his muscles. Nobody wanted to even mention the possibility of the omega trying to shift. If he hadn't been successful before, now didn't seem like the most opportune time to try again.

Jungkook remained almost entirely silent as they traveled. He wasn't rejecting his alphas company, to the contrary he constantly wanted to be touching at least one if not more of his pack mates. The pack gently invited him to join them in conversation but tried not to press. In so many respects they were still strangers to the omega. After everything that had happened they knew his confidence and trust in the pack was likely deeply rattled. Time would bring healing to their pack but it was hard to truly focus on that repair while they were trying to cover so much ground.

Each day Taehyung felt the pull of where they were going becoming stronger. Maybe it was because they were getting closer. Maybe it was because he was spending more time with the omega and his senses were heightened. Each day he felt more and more confident he was leading the pack the right way. He wasn't sure where exactly they were going but he was confident it would offer them safety and a place to really recover.

On the fifth day Taehyung slowed as they passed a large field, eventually coming to a stop.

"What is it?" Jimin was immediately next to him, mind-linking to Taehyung.

Taehyung looked around in every direction and then closed his eyes for a few minutes to think.

He turned slowly to the right and started moving tentatively at first. Then more confidently until he was running again.

Less than ten minutes later they found themselves at the edge of a farmhouse property. It looked relatively quiet, a small garden with a few chickens pecking at the ground. There were no cars in the driveway, no neighbors anywhere in sight. Taehyung shifted to his human form followed by the rest of the pack except for Namjoon who held back with the omega who was laying on his back.

"What is this place?" Yoongi asked. "Are we supposed to just go inside?"

"Well, it would probably be polite to knock first but I've been expecting you. Please come in."

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