Chapter 33

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Once again luck was on their side. Jin and Kookie arrived directly in the omega's room and Jin even had time to quickly make the omega's bed with fresh sheets, giving him a final kiss on the forehead before he disappeared again. Only moments later the guards entered with fresh water and food for the omega, checking to ensure he was still surviving his heat.

As soon as Jin was back with the rest of the pack he was surrounded again. The first and most pressing issue was to figure out if Jin could teleport with any of them which would change everything. Then any of them could go with Jin to see their omega at any time.

Jin made every attempt to take one of the other alphas with him while teleporting but ultimately remained unsuccessful. After trying nearly every configuration and approach the pack had to acknowledge it didn't seem possible. While Jin was clearly able to take Jungkook with him, he failed to move anyone else. There had to be something special about the omega to make this possible. The rest of the pack would simply have to wait until the council once again allowed them to visit.

In the meantime Jin continued to visit their omega each night who seemed to be recovering a bit each day from the worst of his heat. Jin's visits soothed the omega and each night he only truly fell asleep after he was in his alpha's comforting embrace. It really had been a lifesaver.

As soon as Jungkook's heat was done he returned to his training with the elders. Their instructions largely seemed designed to torture the poor omega, he felt more like a servant than a student. He was constantly being pushed in an effort to see if they could find his breaking point where he would snap, rejecting the harsh constraints they put around the omega.

No talking

Always do what you are told

Sit up straight

Don't shift from side to side

Listen attentively so you are always ready to respond to an alpha

Keep your eyes down

With Jin's on-going regular visits Jungkook had a constant reminder that at least his pack didn't work the way the elder council was training him. He took comfort in that but obeyed the elder's guidance anyway, hoping he would be released from training sooner and able to return to his pack full time.

If there was one good thing about the elder's perspective on omegas, Jungkook never had to answer questions about where he came from or why he wasn't living in a pack before he was found He took full advantage of the council's insistence that he not speak even when asked a direct question, always allowing another alpha to answer on his behalf no matter how incorrect their response. Any time the question of his upbringing was raised Jungkook politely looked down, keeping as silent as ever.

As the weeks wore on Jungkook began to realize that not all of the elders were quite so traditional. While it seemed all of them held a similar line a few of them were more kind to the omega, inviting him to sit instead of stand or filling his plate earlier in the meal so he could eat with the others.

While much of his "education" seemed devoted to reminding him to be subservient, one of the elders spent time with him each day teaching him about wolf customs, history, and governance. Jungkook listened with rapt attention when the elder explained things to him, fastidiously reading every book that he was provided. He desperately wanted to be a good omega to the supreme pack and felt like even a basic understanding of wolf culture would be key to achieving that. He still did not speak to the alpha who conducted his lessons but the alpha did allow him to write a list of questions he had and each day the alpha answered those questions as best he could while continuing with his own curricula to educate the omega.

Being educated in wolf ways had a strange effect on Jungkook. On the one hand he felt more confident in his role as he learned how society worked and how the supreme pack operated in the wolf community. He started to take pride in being selected as the omega for the supreme pack. The more he learned the more some of what his own alphas had told him about his role in the pack began to click with him. It buoyed his confidence.

At the same time he began increasingly irritated when he learned how truly deplorably omegas had been treated throughout history, continuing on today. In some ways growing up in the human world had kept him from ever fully understanding how difficult the life of omegas were and how much discrimination and abuse they faced. They truly were treated like not just second, but third class citizens.

Jungkook knew there were some natural personality traits that most omegas had. They were more deferential, quieter, they received great joy from building and maintaining a family den, supporting those around them. He hadn't fully understood all of the societal norms and expectations for omegas. They were not allowed to own property. Alphas were generally permitted to treat their own omega mates any way they saw fit with immunity. Omegas were rarely permitted to hold jobs and if they did they often were paid far below the minimum wage, exploited and disrespected with few avenues that offered them protection.

Jungkook had grown up knowing that being an omega in a wolf pack was difficult, but he had never quite understood how hard it could be. How much discrimination and mistreatment they had experience through time and still today.

After one lesson Jungkook had become bold enough to ask the elder in his written questions why omegas were so mistreated. The elder offered what Jungkook viewed as a not very satisfying answer. "Because that is how it always has been, and that is how it always will be."

Jungkook knew better than to ask twice and returned to his studies, continuing to absorb all that was offered to him.

Sometimes at night Jungkook would discuss what he was learning with Jin. He couldn't quite understand why his alphas treated him so well considering everything he had learned. If anything they were the most powerful alphas in the land, there was no real benefit or need for them to be particularly kind to him. After all he was just an omega.

But Jin constantly assured Jungkook that they were and would be different. He reminded the omega that the moon goddess had designed their pack this way for a reason and far be it from any of the alphas to dispute her wisdom. Perhaps most importantly, they simply loved him with all their heart. Rather than Jungkook serving the alphas they all wanted to serve him, drowning him in their affection and kindness.

It was after one of these conversations when Jungkook asked Jin an unexpected question.

"Alpha, I think it is time that I tell the pack my own story, why I didn't grow up part of a pack. Do you think I can do that?"

Jin nodded in encouragement, "Of course pup, whenever you are ready, there really is no pressure."

"I know, but you're been so good to me, I think you deserve to know. But I'd like to tell everyone at once. Do you think you could bring me back to the den so I can see everyone?"

Jin hesitated, he wanted to support his omega's request and he knew the pack would be overjoyed to see him, but leaving the elder compound was risky. What if someone discovered the omega was gone?

"Let me ask the other alphas, ok? I want to say yes but I think it would be best if we checked with them first. Can you wait just one more day?"

Jungkook nodded in agreement and allowed himself to relax. It was time to rip off the bandaid and tell the truth. They would never be the tight pack he dreamed of if he wasn't honest about who he was. And maybe part of him thought it would be easier to do this now when he could return to the elder compound afterward, not having to live with their disappointment all day. It really was time.

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