Chapter 28

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The night before Jungkook would be taken from them was agonizingly difficult. None of the alphas wanted to be parted from the omega, even for a moment. They needed to pour all of their care and affection into these hours in the hopes their omega would leave them on solid footing fully convinced of their love.

For his part Jungkook found it overwhelming. He didn't want to be plied with more food. He was uncomfortable with all of the alphas insisting they help him with his bath. And during the night when he woke up overheated from the warm blooded alphas crowding his space he couldn't convince any of them to move back so he could cool off. He wanted a bit more space to mentally prepare himself for the transition but it increasingly felt like an impossibility. The alphas simply would not yield any space.

In the morning Jimin packed Jungkook's bag of clothes while Yoongi collected a large pile of the softest blankets and pillows, ensuring each of them was thoroughly scented by the pack. Many omegas naturally nested, particularly when they were stressed or away from their pack. Yoongi was actually surprised he'd never seen Jungkook build a nest considering all the stress he had been through. At the end of the day the alpha eventually assumed the omega had never seen or experienced nest building so it wasn't something he was familiar with. As an alpha Yoongi didn't feel well suited to raise the issue, certainly not when they had so little time left with their sweet pup.

Everyone silently shuffled into the van to return to the elder council. Hobi was tasked with driving while all the other alphas found ways to touch the omega, drowning in the last few minutes of uninterrupted time together.

The pack felt decidedly less confident on this trip into the elder council meeting room, Jin once again holding the omega's hand while Yoongi and Taehyung carried in the packed bags.

"Some of the council wondered if you'd make it." The head elder sneered, watching the somber procession into the room.

"We said we'd be here and we are. Our omega is prepared to stay with you in order to learn more about wolf history and customs. He is intelligent and a fast learner so we expect he'll be home soon. In the meantime we'd like to help him get settled. Can you point us in the right direction?"

"Yes of course," with a nod of his head one of the guards ushered the pack out of the main meeting hall and into a narrow corridor, eventually stopping at a door several turns later. Opening the door he let the pack inside, taking up a guard position outside the door.

The room was small, barely enough room for the full pack. There was a window but it didn't seem to open and a small attached bathroom. It was a far cry from the comfort of the den and their home.

"Let's get you settled shall we?" Hobi tried to be enthusiastic to lighten the mood but it was admittedly challenging in light of the drab surroundings.

Jimin began by unpacking his bathroom supplies, shampoos and soaps that smelled like the alphas and soothing lotions with relaxing scents. Yoongi took the opportunity to make the omega's bed, carefully fluffing the blankets and pillows and positioning everything just so. Taehyung took the opportunity to unpack Jungkooks clothes while Jin set out several pictures of the pack on the dresser. They didn't have any photos with the omega yet so a picture of the six alphas would have to do for now.

Namjoon was holding the omega tight, encouraging him to lightly scent the alpha to help calm both of their nerves. When Jungkook finally pulled away Namjoon slipped a phone into the smaller wolf's grasp. "Keep this hidden, you can call us anytime you want ok?"

Jungkook nodded in acknowledgement, thankful for any options to stay close.

The alphas were just finishing setting up the room when there was a knock on the door. Swinging the door open without waiting for an answer the guard looked at Namjoon and gave a nod of his head. "It's time for you to go."

"You've got this pup, we'll be back to see you as soon as we can. Let us know if you need anything ok?"

Jungkook nodded and after brief, teary hugs with the rest of the pack he sadly waved goodbye, watching them walk down the hall, leaving him totally alone in this place.

"I've been instructed to search your room" the guard commanded Jungkook as soon as the alphas were out of sight. Stepping inside he tore the room apart, undoing all the careful work his alphas had done to nearly put away his clothes and make the perfect bed. It didn't take long for the guard to find the phone hidden in his drawer of clothes, slipping it into his uniform pocket before he left the room, locking the door behind him.

"Excuse me" the guard yelled down the hallway after the departing alphas. "I think you forgot this."

The guard had a smug look on his face when he saw the disappointment register in the alphas as they took the phone from the guard's hand. The elder council really wasn't going to make this easy for them.


Jungkook was provided a small dinner in his room and told his training would begin the next morning. He'd never minded sleeping alone before he met his alphas but it suddenly felt unbearably lonely being away from his pack. He could hardly stop shivering, accustomed to the warmth of his mates surrounding him.

He reminded himself of Namjoon's promise before he left. The harder he worked the sooner he could come home. In the meantime the alphas would visit as often as possible. He'd spent his whole child relatively isolated, he could certainly make it for a few more months.

Eventually abandoning any hope of sleeping Jungkook picked up one of the books that had been left on his bedside. The leather bound pages were covered with gold lettering. "A Complete History of the Elder Council". As he began to flip through the pages Jungkook discovered the book to be exceptionally boring. A book about the supreme pack, or even the history of wolves altogether would have been much more engaging. This book seemed to only offer a long lineage of strangers he'd never heard of in his life. Absent any context it felt nearly impossible to read. If he was looking for a cure for his insomnia this was probably it.

The next morning Jungkook was ready to begin his training. Over the course of the night he reminded himself that he had no special powers like his alphas so the least he could do was study hard to make them proud. He would learn everything he could to become the best omega possible.

The first day felt like it started slow. The elders made him practice sitting silently while they talked among themselves, including discussing topics like how his supreme pack alphas had disrespected the council and the moon goddess. It was hard to hear them criticizing his pack for defending him but he considered it a test and carefully kept his eyes trained on the floor, hands politely folded together.

The next day he was told he needed to practice serving alphas without question. They sent him on all sorts of ridiculous errands. "Go to the far end of the garden and count the number of petals on the rose that is closest to the gate." Or "go find alpha HaJoon and stand beside him silently for the remainder of the day," while said alpha did nothing but play card games and socialize with other alphas.

On the third day he practiced not speaking even when directly asked a question, allowing an alpha to speak for him. Even if the alpha gave the exact wrong answer he was to accept it silently, making sure he considered his position as just an omega.

Each night he collapsed into bed and only one thought came to mind. He was the luckiest omega on earth to be mated to a pack that treated him so well compared to how the elder council viewed omegas. Hopefully it would only be another week or two until he was returned to his pack.

He increasingly wasn't sleeping well at night and each day he was realizing just how attached he was to the six handsome alphas in his pack.

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