Chapter 10

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The alphas wanted to be careful in their approach, mating Jungkook in an order that he would find most comfortable. It was decided that Jin should go first since Jungkook was the most comfortable with him and Namjoon would go last, a sign of his role as head alpha.

Jungkook asked that only he and Jin be in the room for his first marking. The idea of an audience was too terrifying to consider. As soon as dinner was finished Jin weaved his fingers through Jungkook's and pulled him toward the den, anxious to begin their bonding process.

Jin was particularly gentle and soft when he scented, perhaps a factor of his being the first to find the omega, always hyper focused on Jungkook's comfort. After Jungkook was laid back Jin drew closer, starting with small pecks to his temples, cheeks, and nose. He slowly proceeded down to the neck, gently offering open mouth kisses along with a swipe of his tongue across the omegas scent gland, feeling the small wolf relax underneath his touch. Each caress of his lips to the omega's neck was intentional, constantly assessing whether it was having the desired effect of relaxing him further. When he was fully pliant and covered with Jin's scent the alpha offered one last gentle peck to his neck.

Pulling up to make eye contact he rested his forehead against the omega's. "I'm so glad I found you. You are perfect and I've never been so happy. I'm glad I can be the first to welcome you to the pack."

After a brief pause he found the juncture between Jungkook's neck and his shoulder and after a few more gentle soothing kisses he bit hard, breaking the skin and the wall between them, allowing their souls to intertwine and join as one.

Jin could tell the experience was painful for the boy, both from the way his body arched at the breaking of his skin and the emotion that came flooding through the bond. He couldn't help but worry knowing their delicate omega had five more to go, but there really was no stopping now.

Only a few seconds later the alpha retracted his teeth from the skin, rapidly returning to scenting the omega in an effort to relax him and solidify his claim on the little wolf. "You did so well, I'm so proud of you," he whispered, lips brushing the boy's ears. "It's time to rest now. We can talk about it later."

Jungkook held his arms out to the alpha wordlessly asking him to stay, which Jin willingly did, happy to stay close to his newest mate and offer any comfort he could. Together they fell into a fitful sleep. Jungkook's body had begun to transition again as he mated and Jin spent most of the night anxious about the little wolf's physical state, particularly in light of everything that was to come.

The pack hoped Jungkook would take four additional bites the next day and the final bite the morning of the meeting with the elder council but after hearing from Jin how difficult the night had been the pack uniformly agreed that it was best to give a bit of extra time to recover from his first mating. If his body settled from the first bond it may make all the other bonds easier and less painful.

Even so they knew they were on a clock. The following morning Taehyung took hold of the omega nearly as soon as breakfast was done, not even bothering to help clear the dishes. He was next and wanted to take his time ensuring the omega felt comfortable. It was painfully clear that Jungkook hadn't recovered from the first bite yet but the pack felt no choice but to move forward, hoping that at least it wouldn't get worse as they proceeded.

Jin had insisted that any additional mating bites be done with someone else nearby in case their omega took a turn for the worse. Taehyung was only too happy to oblige, both preferring to be in the presence of the broader pack and grateful that they would watch over both of them to ensure the omega's comfort and safety.

Mating was supposed to be a wonderful moment full of bonding and affection. It would always be remembered and was supposed to be a high point in the relationship. Nearly all of the alphas had expressed open resentment that they were being forced to move quickly, their visions of a special moment abandoned in exchange for efficiency. While each of them were frustrated, they tried not to let that seep out, working to avoid adding their own disappointment to further overwhelm the omega.

Taehyung settled on a large couch with the omega and began by whispering words of encouragement in his ear.

"You are such a good omega."

"We are so glad we found you. Not just our final omega but you. You are perfect."

"I'm so glad I get to be your mate, I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together."

"I know it's been hard so far, but please just trust us and keep going. It won't be long before we look back and this is all a distant memory."

"I promise you that I will always protect and take care of you, even when it is hard, especially when it is hard. You can always count on me."

Jungkook melted further into his hold with each word, sinking into a feeling of contentment.

Shifting Jungkook so he was straddling his lap Taehyung softly whispered, "would you like to scent me for a little before I scent you? I know you find that relaxing."

Jungkook responded by bringing his cheek to Taehyung's neck and softly rubbing back and forth, lightly scenting the alpha in front of him. By now Jungkook had been scented several times by most of the alphas, which he loved. They were much more forward and aggressive in their scenting than Jungkook was, which felt natural as an omega. Jungkook remained more reserved when he was the one doing the scenting but still liked the feeling and mingling of scents. His nature told him that he should smell like his alpha, not the other way around, so he applied gentle pressure, offering just a dusting of his scent to the alpha.

As Jungkook began to slow Taehyung shifted to rubbing his own cheek against the omega's. "Just relax sweetheart, I can take it from here." Gently reclining the omega back Taehyung stared at his glowing face causing Jungkook to whine at the awkwardness and cover his cheeks. "Cute." was all Taehyung could think to say before he began his own scenting of the omega.

Taehyung was playful in his approach to scenting, often leaving the omega in fits of giggles as he tickled Jungkook's skin with his hair and soft touches. A huge grin was fixed on the alpha's face as he guided the omega through the scenting process, taking his time to ensure he was fully relaxed before he prepared to bite.

As he scented the omega he'd been carefully considering where to bite. There really wasn't a lot of space available considering he'd need six bites in total. He could bite nearer to Jin's, which would undoubtedly be more painful but would allow any subsequent scentings to be more comfortable since his mates could simply focus on the other side of his neck. Or he could space his bite further from Jin's in an effort to avoid further injuring the sensitive broken skin. During the scenting process he carefully took note of each of Jungkook's reactions to see if they might serve as a guide to the best approach. Bringing his teeth out Taehyung bit right next to where Jin had left his mark, trying to be gentle but recognizing there was no easy way to break the skin.

The omega once again bucked at the pain but eventually settled as Taehyung ran his fingers through his hair, trying to calm their sweet omega as the bite settled. Pulling his teeth out he moved to sooth the omega as much as possible, offering soft words of affection and gentle caresses across his cheeks and down his arms. "You did such a good job sweet omega, let's cuddle and rest for a bit."

Shifting the omega slightly, Taehyung gently held him in his embrace, soothing him until he fell into another fitful sleep.

Taehyung did not envy the four packmates who would go after him. He could tell this was agony and it seemed it would only get worse with each bite. To intentionally put their omega in that much pain would likely bring some of his packmates to their knees. Even if he had finished his own mating bite, Taehyung knew there was still a lot of work left for him to do to support the rest of the pack as they completed their own bonds.

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