☆ BONUS #5 ☆

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YOU FIXED UP YOUR hair, looking in the mirror. you and mike had just got home from dropping off abby, and you had received quite the interesting call from your mother on the way. mike walked by the bathroom, stopping in the doorway when he saw you. "are you going somewhere?" mike asked. you didn't reply, fearing that mike would hear your voice breaking.

concern lined his features, deepening when he noticed how you were shaking. "does this have something to do with that phone call..?" he asked, stepping into the bathroom. you looked at mike, a smile plastered onto your face. "..it was just a call from my mom, not a big deal..she wanted to meet me at sparky's.." you finally replied, quickly turning back around so you could wipe your now falling tears.

this was the first mike had heard you mention your mom or any family at all. based on how you were acting, they probably weren't very family-like. "i just don't think i'm mentally able to see her.." you admitted. "then don't go-" "it's not that simple, mike..she'll find some way to ruin my life..she built weaknesses into me so she can control me.." you spoke, leaving mike in disbelief. he just couldn't believe what he was hearing, what kind of woman is this??

you left the bathroom. mike grabbed your hand, preventing you from walking any further. "i'm coming with you" he stated.
"mike, no-" "you have to let me" "you can't-!" "i will do what i damn well please" "not this time.!" "y/n!" mike spoke, now holding onto both of your hands. he had your attention.

"i'm not taking no for an answer. clearly you aren't having a good feeling about this either. i want to be there for you. i don't want you dealing with this crap alone. i love you, i don't like seeing you like this, okay?" mike said. you looked at mike, seeing the determination in his eyes. "..okay..you can come" you replied hesitantly. mike nodded, placing a kiss on your forehead. "we'll handle this together.." he said softly, earning a nod from you. the two of you headed out of the house, getting into mike's car, then driving to sparky's.

you were still in a panic mode, telling mike what not to say or do. mike wasn't having it, however. "y/n, if she doesn't like what i have to say, she- in your words- can go fuck herself" he stated. he couldn't believe what this woman had done to you..
mike noticed your expression, realizing how scared you looked at what he said. "..still, i won't say anything crazy" he reassured, holding your hand. you nodded as you looked out the window.


"y/n!" nancy exclaimed, embracing you. "glad to see you again! oh, you've grown so much, you look just like your father!" she complimented, though you took it as an insult. "uhm, yeah.." you muttered, rubbing the back of your neck nervously. your mother noticed mike. "who's this? another friend of yours?" she questioned, pointing at mike. "i'm mike, y/n's co-worker. nice to meet you" he spoke, holding out his hand. nancy looked him up and down, pushing his hand back with her finger. "uh-huh. anyways, lets take a seat!" she said as she grabbed your hand and walked you to a booth.

you and mike sat on one side while nancy sat on the other. she eyed the two of you, suspicious. "so how you've been, y/n? hopefully you're still mourning the loss of your father..that idiot." she said, her expression going from sorrow to anger. "i've moved passed it, actually.." you replied. "did you move past your depression though? i know those doctor's were just putting lies into your head, surely you aren't taking it seriously?" nancy pointed out.

mike honestly couldn't believe what he was hearing. is she serious? "uhm.." "do you actually not believe in depression or any other mental issues?" mike butted in, making you look at him. "no wonder why y/n never wants to see you! you just neglect everything they're feeling, thinking it's just a hoax!" he stated, venom dripping from his words. you were shocked, and so was nancy.

"i'm not going to believe some guy who looks like he can barely keep a house" your mother replied. mike's eyebrows narrowed. "you know what-" "mike!" you stopped him from saying anything else, looking at him. mike looked at your expression, sighing. "don't try to interact with them ever again, okay? if you do, i swear to all that is holy, lady.." mike threatened. he then held his hand out to you. you grabbed onto his hand and the two of you walked out, heading back home.

just finished watching burn and it was def interesting in the weirdest way possible (literally traumatized cuz of one part, YALL KNOW THE ONE)
but like, it got me thinking
what if i make a jhutch oneshot book with the various characters he's played?
just an idea

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