☆ TWO ☆

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YOU ARRIVED AT YOUR house, pulling into the driveway. "what the hell?" you picked up an envelope on your doorstep. "wha- THAT HOE!" you shouted, earning the attention of your neighbours, but you didn't care. you walked into the house, your husky (named buck) ran over, happy to see you. "what's up bud?" you said, petting him and then heading to the dining table. you took a seat and opened the envelope. buck rested his head on your lap.

you groaned. "they charged me for shit i didn't even break! well- they were a little broken, but still! that shit wasn't worth much!" you said, running a hand through your hair. "jeez, why'd i do that? i have only enough money for rent and bills, i can't pay this off.." you groaned, looking at buck. he held that card that steve had given you and mike. you shook your head. "who's side are you on??" you questioned as buck tilted his head.

☆ couple days later☆

"DAMMIT!" you shouted, slamming the front door behind you. "what the hell is up with human resources?? this is discrimination, i tell you!" you rant, looking to see buck sleeping soundly. you pick up the card from besides buck, walking over to your phone and calling steve. "i'll take the job! yeah, i'm available tonight..by midnight?! ugh, a job's a job, i guess.." you then hung up, looking at the time. "best get some sleep in now" you said, flopping onto your couch.


you pulled up to the resturant, getting out of the car with a sigh. "thought i'd never come here again" you muttered as you looked at the abandoned building. another car pulled up and parked. "hm. hello mike" you greeted as mike stood next to you in front of the resturant. "guess we're both insane, hm?" mike said, using your words against you. you rolled your eyes before nodding, walking towards the doors. mike removed the lock and chains from the door.

the two of you walked into the pizzeria, looking around. "it's definitely been a while" you stated as you walked into the main area with mike. "you've been here before?" mike asked, picking up a flashlight. "yeah, last time i came here was when i turned eleven" you answered as you ran your fingers over one of the games, dust sticking to them. "well, restaurants like these weren't exactly my thing as a kid" the male replied, walking up to the main stage.

"yep, that definitely checks out" you teased, causing mike to glare to you. you both continued to explore the pizzeria, eventually making your ways to the security office. "it smells in here.." you said as mike opened a locker. you watched as he jumped back in fear. you peered into the locker, noticing an ugly balloon boy figure. "pft.." you tried to cover up your laugh as mike just turned the figure around and grabbed two security vests. "here" mike spoke, holding out a vest to you. "definitely washing this when i get home.." you muttered, putting the vest on over your shirt.

for the next couple hours, you and mike just stayed in the office. mike slept whilst you was kind of just..there. 'this is so boring! i'd be more active at other jobs..' you thought, stretching and sighing as your back popped. you tensed up as you heard knocking. you were suddenly on edge, rushing over to the cameras. mike woke up moments later, also looking at the screens.

there was a woman standing at the front of the door, waving to the camera. you rose your eyebrow as you and mike headed to the restaurant's entrance. mike opened the door. "can i help you?" he asked the woman, letting her in. "yeah, it's like four in the morning!" you added as you pointed to a nearby clock.

"yeah, sorry to disturb you two. every once in a while, i like to check up on this place" the woman stated, taking off her rain soaked poncho. "the name's vanessa shelly, by the way" she introduced, holding out her hand. "i'm mike" the male replied, shaking her hand. "y/n l/n" you said afterwards, deciding not to shake her hand. the three of you made your way into the main area, vanessa looking around with interest.

"wow, this place really hasn't changed much from when i was a kid" she stated, her sentence not surprising you all too much. 'i'm shocked that mike didn't come here at a kid, even if it wasn't his style, surely he had friends that came here?' you thought, scratching the back of your head. vanessa looked at the two of you. "have you met them yet?" she asked. "them? who's them?" mike asked, obviously confused.

vanessa walked over to a button, pushing it. within seconds, music was playing through the speakers, and there were colorful lights. your eyes widened as the stage curtains were pulled back and revealed the animatronics. bonnie. chica. foxy. and freddy fazbear, the restaurant's mascot. you weren't too fond of the animatronics as a child, and you definitely weren't now. the music. the lights. the robots. it all felt like too much right now. it brought back some repressed memories..

mike noticed how your body was starting to shake. he placed a reassuring hand on your back and rubbed small circles in your back in an attempt to make you feel better. even though you didn't feel any different, it brought you back down to earth. vanessa turned everything off, turning to the two of you. "no offense, but i know that neither of you will last with this job. better to quit while you can" she said, walking past you towards the entrance. you narrowed your eyebrows, feeling quite offended.
it was around 4:30am now, so you and mike headed back to the office, sleeping off the rest of your shift.


mike locked up the restaurant entrance as you rubbed your eyes. "hey mike, mind if i get your number? since we're gonna be the only workers here, it would only be right to have contact with each other" you spoke, holding out your unlocked phone. "uh, yeah, sure" mike said, taking your phone and putting his number in. he handed your phone back. "alrighty, uhm" you put your phone into your pocket. "get home safe, mike. call if you need anything" you said, almost sounding awkward as you walked towards your car. "yeah, you too" mike replied. you both got into your respective cars, driving back to your houses.

you yawned as you gripped onto the steering wheel. 'neither of you will last at this job. better to quit while you can' you remembered, lightly growling. "yeah, i'll show you who won't last, you blonde haired bi- AYE, WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" you shouted at a driver who almost scraped your car.


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