☆ FIVE ☆

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IT WAS AROUND 8AM, you weren't able to sleep since your shift ended. you walked into your bathroom, grabbing your anxiety pills and downing two of them. you then drank a small cup of water as you leaned against the counter. you're a mess, you'd finally admit to yourself. you lightly gripped onto your hair, exhaling as you let go.

you jumped as you heard a knock on your door. you could also hear buck's paws hitting the ground as he ran. you left the bathroom, swiftly opening the door. "hey y/n!" abby greeted, which shocked you. "uhm- hey, what's up? i wasn't expecting a visit" you stated as you could feel the pills start to kick in. "well, i needed to talk to you and abby wanted to see you again, so.." mike replied. you nodded, allowing them inside.

abby instantly noticed buck, rushing over to him. "it's so cute!" she complimented, hugging buck happily. "yeah, that's buck, got him a couple months ago" you said, smiling a bit. you then turned to mike. "you wanna, like, sit?" you slightly teased as you pulled up two chairs. you and mike sat down. "so, uh, what's up?" you asked.

"remember when i told you about garrett?" mike spoke, earning a nod from you. "well, i've been having dreams about the day it happened, and- and there's these kids that would appear. they kinda just manifested there too, and they don't say anything either, they kinda just run from me.." he explained as your eyes widened.

"yeah- yeah no, something similar has been happening to me too, but it's more like hallucinations. it's this child with golden hair and a striped shirt on, and the fucker refuses to use his words. he just stares at me, then disappears" you replied, looking towards abby. "what about abby? you think the same's happening to her?" you questioned. "i planned on asking, but i just needed clearance that i wasn't going insane" mike responded.

abby walked over to you, handing you a drawing. "hm?" you looked at it. "i drew the three of us!" she explained. "awe, that's sweet-" you tensed up as you looked at the five other kids that she drew. one of them resembled the boy that you kept seeing..
"pretty nice drawing, abbs. you could be an artist one day!" you complimented to mask your panic. abby smiled, going back over to the coffee table to continue drawing. you looked over at mike. "definitely talk to her about it.." you told him. "i think she knows more than we think." mike nodded in response as you took another drink of your water.


it was almost 12am, the day had flown by quickly. you got out of your car, meeting up with mike at the door. "where's abby?" you asked as you noticed she wasn't with him. "and what the hell happened to you?!" you added, seeing that his forearm was bandaged and his shirt had bloodstains. "it's those kids i told you about..they're trying to kill me..as for abby, she's with her aunt.." mike said, unlocking the chains. you swiftly opened the doors, walking in. "wait-" mike spoke as he followed you. the two of you entered the backroom.

vanessa looked at you and mike, a nervous expression on her face. "what's up, vanessa?" you asked, anger evident on your face. the female looked at mike. "i'll get you some new bandages.." she offered, grabbing some from nearby.
"don't avoid me! we need answers, lady!" you shouted, startling her and mike.

she looked at you. "..i haven't been completely honest with the both of you" vanessa said hesitantly. "the bodies in those suits, those poor lost souls..they don't want to hurt anyone..! it's him, he influences them somehow.." she explained as she finished wrapping up mike's wounds. you crossed your arms. "now's not the time to be vague, officer" you spoke, narrowing your eyebrows. mike leaned against a table. "you need to tell us who..please, vanessa.." he said as he looked at her with pleading eyes.
vanessa sighed. "it was william afton..my father.." she finally admitted, showing the two of you a picture of a younger vanessa and a yellow bunny. you and mike stared at the picture. you could feel your anger rise, balling up your fists.

you swung at vanessa, landing a clean hit on her face. "HEY!" mike exclaimed, holding you back as you tried to do more damage. "THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM??? YOU COULDN'T EVEN TRY TO CONTACT AUTHORITIES TO HELP FIND THOSE KIDS?! YOU MIGHT AS WELL HAVE MURDERED THEM YOURSELF, YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" you shouted, struggling against mike since he was stronger. you held back tears as those memories came back. they wouldn't dare repress themselves again..

after a couple minutes, you stopped trying to attack vanessa, panting as you sat in a chair. the tension in the room was high. "..what else did you figure out..?" mike spoke, breaking the silence. "they want to make abby..like them..and they won't stop at anything to make it happen.." vanessa replied. mike tensed up, going silent.
"i just- i just can't with this shit anymore, i'm way past my breaking point. sorry mike" you said, standing up and walking out of the room. "y/n-!" "there's no point in reasoning with them, mike..they're too broken.." vanessa spoke.

you walked out of freddy's, got into your car, and drove back home. "hell no..that bitch's father killed my friend..the reason why i couldn't even avenge. just..fuck everyone..fuck my parents and fuck vanessa too.." you told yourself, your grip on the steering wheel tightening. why were you even dwelling on it? it was over a decade ago when it happened, there's nothing you could do about it now..


《 mike schmidt x reader 》Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora