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YOU GLANCED DOWN AT your bowl of [favorite cereal], seeming to contemplate something you can't quite put your finger on. buck was curled up on the couch, sleeping soundly after having eaten his breakfast. it was dead quiet and you absolutely HATED it. 'maybe i should go for a walk or something..' you thought, quickly turning when you saw something in your peripheral. you almost fell out of your upon realizing that there was a child standing in your living room. he had short golden hair, complementing the yellow and black striped shirt he wore. you stared, quickly standing. "what the fuck.." you mutter as you slowly make your way towards the child. he didn't move nor speak, he barely even made eye contact with you. when you got close enough, however, he rushed down the hall., surprising you.


you jumped awake. moments later, your doorbell rung. you stood and opened the door, revealing your father. "dad.." you said quietly, hesitantly letting him inside. he looked around the room. "i heard that you got fired from your job" he stated as he turned to look at you. "yeah, but i have a new job now! so it's fine..!" you replied nervously. "now now, i'm not really all too worried about it. see, this is what i tried to tell you! you clearly can't handle the real world! so why don't you come back home??" your dad suggested, placing his hands on your shoulders with a tight grip and a desperate smile. "d-dad, i'm twenty-four years old now.." "i know, but isn't being home so much better? we won't even charge you to stay!" your father insisted, his grip tightening.

you had begun to shake. your father noticed this, backing away from you and taking his hands off your shoulders. "..so, where do you work exactly?" his tone sounded like a mix of disappointment and anger. "..freddy fazbear's pizzeria" you hesitantly replied. "oh, i knew that you still loved that place! it brings me back to your last birthday there.." your father reminisced, which made you slightly cringe.
"i'll definitely have to check out that place later today, it's been about thirteen years" he added. "uhm, yeah.." "anyways, i'll be on my way now. please consider my offer, y/n!" your dad clasped his hands together. "your mother would greatly appreciate seeing her kid again after so many years.." and with that, your father left.

you frowned, laying your head on the dining table. "doesn't he get that i left for a reason..? the entire environment was toxic, and clearly still is..!" you muttered, lifting your head up again. you ran a hand over your shoulder, wincing. you then quickly rushed into the bathroom, looking at your shoulders in the mirror. 'dammit..there's already bruises forming..' you thought, jumping back as that same kid from your dream appeared in the mirror. you hyperventilated as you gripped onto your t-shirt in fear. "WHAT ARE YOU?! WHO ARE YOU?!" you shouted at the boy. you tried to grab him, but he faded away, making you grab nothing but air.
what the hell was going on with you? whose son was that? SHOULD you even know who he is?


you pulled into the parking lot of freddy's, resting your head on the steering wheel. you had tried to get some sleep before your shift, but it went horribly due to thoughts of your father and that kid, so you had about ten minutes of sleep at best. you began to doze off, starting to softly snore. however, you were awoken by knocking on your window. your eyes re-opened, realizing that it was mike. you rubbed your eyes, getting out of the car. "didn't get much sleep, i take it?" mike asked, you nodding in response.

"who's this?" someone asked. it took a minute to process, but there was a little girl standing next to mike. "oh, uhm, this is abby, my little sister. abby, this is y/n, my co-worker" mike introduced. "nice to meet you" abby said, smiling. "yeah, you too" you replied, a tired smile on your face. you all headed towards the entrance. "what the fu- i mean, frick?" you said, noticing that the chains and lock on the door were gone. the door was also slightly ajar.

the three of you walked in, seeing that the restaurant was in complete disarray. you realized that if you had spoke, it would just be a flurry of cuss words, so you kept quiet. abby took mike's hand. "i'll get her settled in, then i'll come back here, okay?" mike told you. you just simply nodded as he walked to the office.
"i swear to all that's holy, when i find who did this.." you muttered, looking over the mess. the tables were flipped, there was broken glass lining the floor. you picked up a flashlight and went over to the main stage, shining a light on the animatronics. you sighed in relief. 'yeah, i refused to be charged for expensive shit again' you thought, hopping off the stage as mike returned.

mike sighed, grabbing a nearby broom and starting to sweep up the glass. you eventually followed his lead, setting up tables and putting them as they were before. you weren't too keen on cleaning up, especially other's messes, but it was oddly calming. mike's presence also seemed to help too. after about two hours, everything that had been messed up was back in place and everything was spotless. the two of you checked up on abby (who was now soundly sleeping), then decided to explore the rest of the building.

"your sister seems nice" you spoke, gripping onto the flashlight. "thanks, she seems to like you too" mike responded, a small smile on his face. "is it only the two of you?" you asked, but instantly regretted it upon seeing mike's expression. "sorry, i shouldn't have asked" you said, breaking the eye contact you had. "no- no, it's fine. it's nice to, uhm, vent, yeah?" mike spoke as he slowly stopped walking. you stopped along with him, the two of you eventually taking a seat in the hallway.

"..i had a brother, his name was garrett. one day, we had a picnic in the woods. we took our eyes off of him for just a quick second..he was..taken.." mike explained, his voice starting to break towards the end. you frowned, giving mike a side hug. "i'm sorry to here that, mike..i'm sure you'll be able to find the guy that took him.." you reassured, looking down. "yeah, thanks.." mike replied, turning to you. there was a moment of silence between the two of you until-

"MIKEEEE!!" abby shouted, making you and mike stand up. you both sped to the main area. "ABBY!" mike shouted, the animatronics that were surrounding her dispersing. however, abby didn't seemed to be harmed. mike pulled her away from the robots, inspecting her. "are you okay??" mike asked, panicked. "yeah, i'm fine, they just wouldn't stop tickling me!" abby said happily. you looked up at the animatronics. they looked back curiously, squinting their eyes at you.

"mike, y/n, these are my new friends. freddy, bonnie, chica, and foxy!" abby introduced, smiling at the robots. she then gave bonnie a paper with a heart on it, which the bunny happily accepted. you and mike exchanged glances, concern lining your faces. "uhm, yeah! i didn't get much of them as a kid, but they seem cool!" you exclaimed suddenly, masking your rising anxiety. abby giggled, smiling at you.


"bye guys! i'll see you guys tomorrow!" abby said, hugging each of the animatronics. freddy looked at you, opening his arms to you. you could feel your anxiety start to peak. "no, no, i'm not a hugging person, thank you though" you replied, swiftly making your way past freddy and heading for the entrance. mike and abby followed suit. mike locked up the door before turning to you and getting a bit close. "you okay?" he whispered, his concern deepening. "i'm good" you looked at mike's expression, quickly averting your eyes. "..just need a couple drinks to calm down.." you replied in a whisper, crossing your arms. mike sighed at your response. "yeah, okay..just call me if you need anything" he said. you turned to abby. "it was nice meeting you, abby" you said, abby giving you a hug. you gave another tired smile as she pulled away, revealing her smile. you patted mike's shoulder. "you two get home safe" you stated, walking towards your car.

on the drive home, you noticed the usual golden-haired boy sitting in your backseat through your rear-view mirror. you sighed, choosing not to speak with him and just pretended he wasn't there.


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