Chapter 15

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I saw my parents running towards me in panic mode, their faces etched with worry and concern. "What happened to both of you?!" I exclaimed, feeling a sense of fear creeping into my mind.

My mom looked at me, her eyes wide with astonishment. "You... have got to see this, Aurelia! She said, "There's a big sinkhole behind our house!"

"A sinkhole?" I echoed, raising my eyebrows in confusion. We didn't understand how the sinkhole formed behind our mansion. Yet, my parents' urgent voices made it clear this was serious.

Without hesitation, my mom reached out and grabbed my hand. "Yes, I know it's hard to believe, but come on. You have to see it for yourself."

With my heart racing, I followed my parents as we made our way towards the back of our grand estate. As we got closer, I saw a big hole in the ground. It was wide and deep and stretched out in front of me.

I saw something strange. The ground split open and took a big piece of our land. I couldn't believe it. Everything was fine a few moments ago, but now there's chaos.

We stood there, realizing how big the situation was. I felt excited and a bit worried. What if there was more to this than what met the eye? What secrets lay hidden beneath the surface?

I felt excited even though there was danger. I wanted to explore and find something new. I wanted to learn about things I didn't know before.

With a deep breath, I turned to my parents, a bright smile on my face. "Let's get to work. We've got some digging to do." We set off to uncover the mysteries buried beneath the earth.


I walk through the hole and see lights inside the tunnel. There is no construction work happening here. I am curious, so I want to explore more.

Turning left, we stumble upon a door with a warning sign that reads, "Do not enter." But who am I kidding? Curiosity always gets the best of me. I can't resist the temptation to open it and see what lies beyond.

I am amazed when the door opens. I see a man wearing a cape. He is sleeping in a coffin. My siblings and I look at each other. I am baffled by this bizarre gathering; the phrase "Do not enter" now holds a different meaning.

My supposed brothers and sisters are both confused and excited. As they shout, "Dad!" the man in the coffin opens his eyes and attacks us.

The world goes dark, and my heart races with fear and adrenaline. I can hear the sounds of struggle and my siblings' voices calling out to each other. We weren't ready for this surprise, but we'll stay united and conquer any obstacles we face.

Aurelia's heart pounded against her chest as she watched her surroundings darken. The realization hit her like a lightning bolt - her father was out to kill them, and there was no escaping this chilling truth. Despite her fear, she had to muster up the courage for herself and the people she loved.

Aurelia clenched her fists with determination in her eyes. She wouldn't let the darkness consume her spirit. Instead, she would use it as her ally. Taking a deep breath, she embraced the unknown, knowing that within the depths of shadow lay untapped power.

Night fell. The world changed. Aurelia felt energy surge through her body. Her senses sharpened. She could hear whispers and see details others missed. She wore darkness like a cloak, making her invisible and agile. She wanted to protect her loved ones. She hoped to put an end to the deceit.

The Immortal Fang (#1)✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu