Chapter 2

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As I woke up the next day, I heard a series of beeps. I reached over to the bedside table and picked up my phone. As I opened it, an avalanche of "Happy Birthday" wishes from my best friend flooded the screen. On today, my sixteenth birthday, I felt an overwhelming sense of happiness.

Walking to the grand mirror on my bedroom wall, I flipped off my fluffy white blanket from the bed. And there, staring back at me, was a sight that left me speechless. My red hair had turned into a beautiful cascade of black waves. I was so surprised that I instinctively touched my hair to confirm its reality.

Grabbing my phone, I rushed down the mansion stairs to find my smiling parents in the living room. Something felt amiss, piquing my curiosity.

Approaching them, I couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and intrigue. They seemed to be acting strange, their expressions betraying hidden secrets. When our eyes met, they greeted me with "Happy birthday, sweetie." Confused, I grumbled my concerns.

Opening up about my confusion, I asked if they had noticed anything unusual about me. Their response caught me off guard. Enthusiastic about my birthday celebration, my mother suggested I dye my hair. Frustrated, I shook my head.

"I wish it were that simple," I replied, my voice tinged with disappointment. "I love being a redhead, like you guys."

Their smiles faltered as they exchanged a perplexed glance. Sensing my determination, I demanded an explanation for my sudden hair transformation.

My father cleared his throat, a hint of seriousness in his gaze. He suggested I sit down, hinting at something beyond my imagination.

As I sat across from my parents, my mind raced with anticipation. The tone of my father's voice was a mix of nervousness and seriousness.

"You see... we're not your real parents," he said. The ridiculousness of his comment made me giggle. Not being father and daughter was impossible—we looked too identical.

In a bizarre instant, his look changed before my eyes. I watched as his features morphed into those of another person. My laughter turned into gaping astonishment, my mouth hanging open in shock. This couldn't be real. Who could do such a task? And what exactly were they?

Trying to regain my composure, I stammered out my question, my words stumbling over each other. "W-what...are you guys?" I asked for clarification, but I struggled to process this impossible situation.

He smiled, unfazed by my reaction. "We are Poona," he replied, the name sounding almost comical to my ears. I couldn't help but let out another laugh, the sheer absurdity of it all overwhelming my senses.

"What is a Poona?" I continued, curiosity mingling with amusement in my voice.

He paused for a moment, then answered with a hint of pride. We can change our gender and appearance at will, like creatures of the night. His words hit me like a jolt, the laughter fading from my lips. This wasn't a joke. It was real.

I stopped laughing, my eyes locked with his, searching for any sign that he was jesting. The seriousness in his gaze told me this was no prank. My world began to spin as reality shifted beneath me. If they were Poona, what did that make me? 

Unable to contain my curiosity any longer, I asked the burning question with crossed arms. "Are you guys from Poona? Does that mean that I am also from Poona?"

A small smile played on my so-called father's lips as he responded,

"You're somewhat of a hybrid, a mix of Poona and vampire traits."

My arms dropped to my sides, and I stared at them both, the weight of their words heavy upon me. "I am... a creature of the night?"I felt surprised to discover that my birthday could lead to new insights.

The Immortal Fang (#1)✔️Where stories live. Discover now