Chapter 5

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I backed away, trying not to blush from the sudden kiss. "I hope I don't get an STD," he said with disgust. I slapped him in the face, feeling angry. What I did shocked the students nearby.

I got angry and took Jia's hand, running away. "He shouldn't suggest that I gave him an STD! I'm not promiscuous!" I shouted in frustration, my voice echoing in the hallways. Jia walked beside me. She said, "You broke up with him in one month, Aura."

The words struck a nerve, and I let go of her hand, feeling the sting of betrayal. "Whose side are you on?" I snapped before storming towards the exit door on the side of the school. 

I opened the door and went outside. It seemed like everything was going wrong again. I had a hard day, so I went to a hidden place in the woods near our school to relax.

Walking through the woods, I heard rustling sounds behind me. Instinctively, I turned around to find that the boy who claimed I had given him an STD was following behind. Frustrated, I said, "Why are you following me?!" I felt taken aback by his reaction. 

"Well, you're a girl, and it can be dangerous out here if you're not careful," he explained, approaching me. 

" The boy revealed his fangs and introduced himself as Cain Night Horn, a creature of the night. I raised an eyebrow in surprise." 

"You are like me?" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement. My hand instinctively reached out, wanting to touch his fangs for myself.

Yet, he smacked my hand away, his voice filled with disgust. "That's dirty. Your hands have been all over the place," he warned, tucking his fangs back inside. 

I couldn't argue with him."I touched many surfaces," I conceded, realizing my hands might not be clean.

"I want to see it! Can you show me?" I begged. He hesitated before agreeing, "I can, but it won't be easy, especially with your vampire blood."

"How do you know this?" I asked, tapping my foot. His answer caught me off guard. He informed me that the school administrator, who is my guardian, had recommended you to me.

 Suspicion clouded my thoughts as I furrowed my brow. "How does your guardian have information about me?" I questioned, rolling my eyes. 

He shrugged, a playful glint in his eyes. "You think I'm stalking you or something?" I raised an eyebrow, trying to gauge his sincerity. "Who wants to date an STD girl," he scoffed, his words hitting me like a punch to the gut. 

That was the last straw. Fury surged through me. I was about to punch him when something unexpected happened. As I lunged forward, a force knocked me off balance, sending me crashing into a nearby tree. 

I rose with a throbbing leg and saw a fanged woman staring at me. "Calm down, Ellen," stated Lestat approached with authority.

My mind raced as I tried to process what was happening. Who were these people? And why was this girl so intent on attacking me? Wincing in pain, I managed to gather some strength and mustered the courage to speak. "Who are you?" I questioned, my voice tinged with both curiosity and apprehension.

"I am his protector!" she shouted back, her voice filled with hostility, ready to pounce on me again. Lestat intervened, stepping between us with a commanding gesture. "Ellen, I embarked on this mission alone. Go," he replied, gesturing to her arrival.

My eyes widened in surprise. Mission? What mission could they have that involved me? I couldn't help but feel a shiver of uncertainty crawls up my spine. Ellen dropped a bombshell before I could express my confusion.

"You wanna know why he's here?" she taunted, a knowing smirk playing across her lips. "He's here to kill you," she screamed as she fled into the darkness with her vampire speed.

Shock engulfed me like a tidal wave. My heart pounded in my chest, the truth of her words sinking in. There was no way Cain, the person who had been showing me a world beyond my wildest dreams, could be here to end my life.

The Immortal Fang (#1)✔️Where stories live. Discover now