Chapter 10

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Delighted by the magical aura of the room, I reached out to touch the floating books and enchanted globes. I touched the books and felt a surge of energy.

 I tapped on a globe that showed people running away in fear. Realizing the gravity of the situation, my mind snapped back to reality. It was time to focus on our mission.

I was going to get a book from the shelf when I heard a familiar voice behind me. My heart leaped with fear, for I had forgotten that I was still in my shape-shifting form. I turned to see my best friend Jia, her wings fluttering behind her.

"Is that you, Aurelia?" she asked, puzzled yet relieved to see me.

My mouth hung open as I struggled to figure out how Jia had seen through my disguise. And what was going on with the fairy-like wings on her back?

"How did you see through my disguise, and why do you have wings?" I asked, stunned.

"I found out today that I am half-fairy," she replied, scratching the back of her head.

Jia pointed at Cain, who sat in a chair and read a book. "Why is he here?" Jia asked, looking confused.

"Oh, he came to help me rescue you," I said, smiling.

Jia shook her head in disbelief and said, "You forgive too easy."

"What do you mean?" I said, raising an eyebrow. Aurelia looked at me with confusion in her eyes. "You hated him not too long ago for calling you a std girl," she said, shaking her head. I shrugged, trying to brush off the past. "Well, that was yesterday," I replied.

Aurelia and I sat in a magical room in the wolf pack we were trying to escape. The tension in the air was palpable as we waited for our next move. As I was about to speak, the door behind us burst open.

The alpha leader of the pack walked in, followed by armed guards. Panic set in as they approached us, their angry eyes glowing. Aurelia scanned the room for a way out, her mind working overtime to concoct a plan.

I saw my best friend Jia in the chaos. She was shouting something. She called us and opened a portal to another realm. She grabbed me and Cain. She pulled us into the swirling vortex immediately.

I came out on the other side and found myself in a strange new universe. The colors were bright, the landscape was fancy, and creatures roamed around. It was as if we had stepped into a fantastical dream.

Aurelia and I took a moment to catch our breath, awe and wonder filling our hearts. We stared at each other. We found a place with lots of chances for adventure and discovery. We felt hopeful again and started exploring the mysteries of the world together.

The Immortal Fang (#1)✔️Where stories live. Discover now