Chapter 13

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I saw the students. There was a girl with red hair like mine before it turned black. It was like looking into a mirror from another dimension. The situation was strange. I couldn't help but think of something and say it out loud before I had time to think about how ridiculous it was.

"Are we in some sort of doppel universe or something?" I questioned aloud, raising an eyebrow at both Jia and Cain. I saw their confused faces, which matched my confusion.

Cain offered his explanation, not without a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Well, you know, Jia has been struggling with controlling her portals. She transported us to an alternate dimension," he suggested, trying to stifle a laugh.

Jia's face turned red with irritation and amusement. She responded, "Hey, I've been doing my best!" Portals aren't exactly easy to control, you know!"

Unable to contain my laughter, I chimed in, nodding in agreement. "Cain's right, Jia. We can't hold it against you. Controlling inter-dimensional travel is tough stuff."

I focused on the girl who looked like me, even though my friends were joking around. I was curious, so I walked toward her. But instead of showing interest or excitement, she felt scared and fled.

I was running after myself in a group of confused students when someone pulled my hair and stopped me. I turned around and felt scared. Brianna, my ex-girlfriend, was standing right 

behind me.

I couldn't believe it. She was here. Nothing felt real. It was like a dream or a story from my imagination.

"Brianna?" I managed to stutter, my voice shaking with disbelief. "What are you doing here? This...this seems too unrealistic to be true."

I sensed the tension in the air during the unfamiliar meeting. I experienced various emotions. I recollected our past relationship and the current strange occurrences.

As I reminisced about our first date at an amusement park, a wave of nostalgia washed over me. During that momentous occasion, I came to realize my feelings for Jia. My partial vampire nature explained the intensity of my emotions, but it didn't matter. Every moment I spent with her was precious to me.

Lost in my thoughts, Jia's warm hug and gentle kiss on my cheek brought me back to the present. "Hey, everything okay, babe?" she asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. I couldn't help but smile and nod, assuring her that all was well. She didn't realize it, but being there made me feel better in this strange world.

I was enjoying the moment when Jia interrupted us. She asked, ''Aurelia! What are you doing with Alternative World Brianna?" Finally, she caught up to us.

Confusion etched across my face, I turned to Jia, hoping for an explanation. Before I could respond, Brianna interjected, her tone laced with accusation. "Jia, are you here to ruin our relationship again?" she hissed, her words dripping with bitterness.

I felt shocked and kept staring at Jia and Brianna, trying to understand what was happening. What did Brianna mean? Jia had never done anything to harm our relationship. Their history seemed mysterious.

I noticed tensions were rising. I stepped between them, taking a deep breath. "Hold on a second," I interjected, my voice calm yet firm. "Let's dial down the drama, will we?"

Jia and Brianna looked at me, their eyes narrowing with surprise and concern. I decided to take charge and ease the tension with humor.

"Okay, ladies, let's not fight over me now. There's enough Aurelia to go around," I quipped, flashing a playful grin. "But, Jia and I are not together, and as far as I'm concerned, there's no room for drama. Let's focus on figuring out this crazy alternate reality we're in."

A genuine smile spread across Jia's face as she nodded in agreement. "You're right, Aurelia. There's no need for unnecessary drama. Let's stick together and navigate this bizarre world like the awesome team we are."

I'm still stuck on the fact that my best friend Jia was in love with me. We need to talk about this when we go back.

The Immortal Fang (#1)✔️Where stories live. Discover now