'How..? what? where am i..?'

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{Shelbys POV}

"SHELBY GRACE WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!?" Joel screamed from his porch, i couldnt speak. 
i just ran up to him and hugged him tightly
"..shelbs?" Joel frowned, though despite his curiosity he pulled me close
"i- do-n- don- t- kn- kn- ow- wha-" I made an attempt to speak, though joel cut me off
"Shelbs, breathe, calm down okay?" he spoke with a gentle soft tone, very different than the 'usual' joel joking, teasy attitude

that conversation dragged on for what felt like hours and hours on end.

but it was only minutes.

panic arose with every single word i spoke.

and now we wait..

{Joels POV}

hours and hours had passed. 

I paced the hallway of the hospital in the waiting room
I was horrified by Shelby's description.
Genuinely scared.
Shelby was crying.
 Mrs. major was on her way with Owen, Lauren, Xornoth and Mark
Tears were threatening to drain from my eyes.
they were pooled in my tear ducts I was shaking, Shelby's sobs filled the waiting room.
This was horrifying.
Of course it wasn't the first time it's happened..
but it's horrific Every. Single. Time.
Shelby pulled me down into the seat next to her, nurses and doctors ran around, the receptionists phone ringing.
Everything was going on I felt my ears start ringing in a sense of overstimulation But Shelby grabbed me into a hug, It stopped.
And I hugged her back tightly, tears left the pools in my eyes and flowed freely down my face I didn't know what to do All I did was cry I was horrified.
It's been 3-4 hours No sign of him waking up. The doors swung open And Mrs. Major stepped in. Looking horrified She walked up to us, all the kids at her side, Xornoth was already crying and slumped into a seat Owen and Lauren were holding hands as they sat down Everyone was waiting anxiously. ....
5 and a half hours have passed now. And eventually.. A nurse came out of a room. Room 418 And walked over to us, in front of Mrs. Major specifically 

"oh god is he alright?!" Mrs. Major asked anxiously.
The nurse bowed her head with a warm smile and Mrs. Major began crying once more, with a subtle smile
"Look, I'll tell you all he's woken up. Though only 2 visitors at a time. He's anxious and very clearly stressed out , as well as very- out of it still." The nurse explained
"..what happened to him.?" Shelby asked, continuously teary eyed
"From what we can see it was a panic attack. Does anybody know if he's had a history of panic attacks?" The nurse asked and glanced around
"He's.. he's had anxiety attacks before but never a legit panic attack.." xornoth spoke up
"Well this makes sense then, if this is his first actual panic attack, it's usual for people to feel sick and pass out" the nurse described, nobody knew what to say, so they nodded. 

{Xornoth's POV} 

Me and our mother went in first.
 I was shaking.
But when I stepped in.. It wasn't what I was expecting.. at all. An oxygen tube was taped to his face and up his nose An IV in his arm.
The beeping of a heart monitor filled the room as it was connected to a cord, on a machine on his finger.
There was a bandage on his forehead. Slightly bloody. But not bad. This was horrifying The sight was horrific 

"Oh... my.. exor.."I gasped in disbelief
"..xor?" Scott mumbled, pressing a button which had the bed bring him into a sit gently
 "Hey bud.." I mumbled and sat down in a chair next to his bed, kicking it closer Our mother did the same.
She moved a chair closer and sat next to him, grabbing his hand gently
"Darling.. how did this happen.?" Our Mother asked with teary eyes
"I.. d-don't rea-ly rme-re- re- ember.." Scott stuttered, stumbling over his words.
"You don't remember dear?" Our mother frowned and Scott shook his head
"Hey, that's alright, the important thing is you'll be alright okay..?" I reassured him and smiled, he smiled right back
Though his bright, sassy smirk was replaced with a weak, small, gentle smile as he looked at me "You're a fighter. We all know you are Scott." I smiled and squeezed his hand
He didn't speak, he just smiles lightly and hugged me softly before he laid back down, coiling into a small ball on the hospital bed
I pulled the blankets over him to his shoulders
He smiled fondly and his eyes slipped shut
The heart rate stayed the same as I listened to his weak and shallow breaths
Though he was stable And alive.
That's all I cared about. 

{Owen's POV} 

Me and Lauren went in next.
He was laying there, asleep I smiled with him seemingly peaceful, though held Lauren close to me.
She hugged onto my side and looked at the scene of our adoptive brother sleeping
He was coiled into a small ball under the thin blanket on the bed We Waited.
Probably 2.5 hours Until he woke up The heart rate monitor picked up ever so slightly as he shifted, rubbing his eyes and looking at us

"Hey Scott" I spoke calmly
"..he-y o-Owen.." he smiled, looking over at me from where he was lying down
"Hey snowflake!!!" Lauren squealed through her tears
"Hi-hiya star.." Scott smiled and blinked tiredly
"How ya feeling?" I asked, scooting my chair a little closer
"..fine-? Erm- not..great.. b-but bet-ter" Scott stumbled with a small smile
"At least you're doing better! Even if it's just a little" Lauren spoke rather calmly for.... Well- Lauren
Scott smiled warmly and shifted to a sit before hugging me
"You okay?" I asked, now slightly concerned
"You looked like you needed a hug"
Scott smiled warmly, looking at me after pulling back
I felt tears well in my tear ducts, but held them in as I returned his embrace
"GROUP HUG!" Lauren exclaimed and jumped onto the bed, joining our hug I chuckled softly at Lauren's enthusiasm and wrapped my other arm around her, holding my siblings close to me
"O-once I get discharged I swear t-to god I'm going to spe-spend as much time with all- all of you a-and mu-mum as-as possible.." Scott spoke through tears
"we know you will bud, but take your time.. dont push yourself and let yourself heal alright..?" i mumbled back and sniffled 
"..i- i-k- know.." he mumbled and wiped his eyes
"cmon yall!! be more positive!" lauren exclaimed and scott chuckled fondly

{Scotts POV}

everything hurt.

but they were there
my siblings were right there and werent planning on leaving.
i felt fufilled.
despite the aching pain of every bone and muscle in my body as i sat there with my arms wrapped as tight as i could around owen and lauren.
i ignore every single pain i felt, every single little urge to just scream and sob about how bad it hurt.
and just let myself enjoy the hug.
until they backed up and announced their leave
in my head i-
i was begging them not to go.
but i couldnt even make out the words to tell them.
and just nodded with my eyes watery and wiped them off with my wrist.
i sat there alone for a couple of minutes.
but them shelby and joel came inside.

"..h-hey scott.." shelby mumbled and wiped her eyes
joel waved plainly and looked away, it was clear hed been crying
"cmere" i spoke with a calm smile and held out my arms, the two came and hugged me tightly, i hugged them right back.
shelby buried her head into my shoulder and i put my hand on the back of her head, holding her close to me.
something felt off.
my vision was blurry and chiming in, and out.
but i shrugged it off.
"..you need to be smarter about what you do in those situations- just lay down next time-!!" shelby demanded before chuckling slightly and sniffling, wiping her eyes
i chuckled but it was replaced with coughing.

my heartrate sped up as my eyes watered.

my ears were ringing and everything had gone blurry.

the coughing stopped

but the world spun around me.

and black dots traced my vision.

i saw joel and shelby run over to the door.

they were yelling something.

but i couldnt hear anything.

just the deafening ringing.

before every single thing went dark.

pitch black.

no movement.

just a black void.

all over again.

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