The Dorm Rooms

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TW: Slight bullying (joey being joey) and thats all! enjoy some slight angst but mostly fluff!!! <3

{Sausage's POV}

I was sitting around with xornoth, joey and a couple other random kids they call their "friends". "Hey guys uhm, im gonna go.. i have a uh.. herbology test i have to study for.." i said, lying to them 

"alright, see ya later dude!" xornoth said "Ughhh, studying?! what the hell?! we arnt scott and his nerd proxy are we!?" Joey snaps "What did i say about talking sh!t about my brother joey..?" Xornoth stated. "not to.. sorry xorny" he said back 

"yeahhh okay bye-" i said turning around and walking away. "Sausage! Over here!!" Fwhip says calling me up to what joey refers to as "The nerd proxy" "Hey guys! Hey Scott, glad to see ya back! sorry i didnt say anything sooner.. joeys being.. joey, again." i said looking down 

"No no thats alright, joeys been- 'joeying' me aswell-" he says flapping his bandaged wing "that had to have hurt.." I said "Yeah it di-" he got cut off "Scott. what did we tell you about moving your wing! Your gonna break your stitches!!" Shelby said "sorry shelbs..-" I just laughed

"You two have such a weird friendship-" I said laughing "Make that us three" joel says leaning in-between the two of them "well you THREE have an odd friendshi-" i got cut off


"Hello there students of Crystal High (changed the name of it because empire high was too- idk i just didnt like it) . Its i, Principal Tay, making a special report To all of you! as of today, October fourth, twenty, twenty three (using present date because i couldnt think of any other date-) That we are sending all students to your first day in your dorms! You have the rest of the day to move in, go home and say your goodbyes. All students please report to the principals office at this time for your dorm mates! Thank you all and have a great rest of your day."

(HEADCANNON: Gem, Fwhip and Sausages mother is the principal, their father runs the rest of the crystal cliffs and manages all the funds of the school.)

"I guess we are getting dorms today" I stated "Yeah- mom seemed oddly excited" Fwhip said "No duh she wont have to deal with you hell demons all damn day." Gem said facepalming "Lets just go, yknow before we get in trouple-" I said with a playful roll of my eyes "Yeah yeah like your one to talk sausage, your acquaintances with my brother-" scott said chuckling "Meh" i replied laughing afterwards 

{Scotts POV} 

We were heading to the principals office to get our schedules and stuff thats when i heard 2 voices calling my name, 2 more female voices, that sounded.. familiar? I stopped in my tracks letting my group go on without me, they hadnt noticed i stopped. 

I turned around anndd... 

{Jimmys POV}

"Wait guys- when did scott stop walking?" I said looking behind us, he was turned the other way "Im not sure..." shelby says confused "wa-waitt- no- hold on- " we heard him say, a quite shocked tone in his voice "i wonder whats going on over there-?" Lizzie said 

"I- PEARL, CLEO!!" he yelled taking off and hugging two females "Im guessing those are his friends?" Fwhip stated "Ide guess so" Gem said 

"My godddd- its been so long sense i- wait- how but- Last time i remember seeing you..- wass- wait- no that was still in scotland.. how did you two find me-?!" He said, confused all of us listening in 

"We have our ways Mr. Major" An Australian girl said "coming from you pearl, that really scares me-" joel says stepping out of our group and walking towards them "Ah joel, how ya doin bud" Pearl asked sarcastically "PEARL TELL SCAR IM STILL MAD ABOUT THE RANCH!!!" i yelled "WILL DO JIMMOTHY" Pearl yelled back and i laughed. 

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