A Time Of Comfort

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{Nobodys POV}

They All were working towards finishing their classes
Jimmy stayed close to scotts side the whole time they were in the dorm.
He got him everything he needed and was there to comfort him no matter what.
Xornoth Was worried the rest of the day, but knew his focus had to be school as he was already on the brink of failing English
Joel helped calm Xornoth down if he were to get too mad.
Despite Xornoth not being fond of joel most of their life,
He came to the conclusion he wasnt too bad.
More "acquaintances" than friends.
But joel took it as progress
Grian and Lizzie didnt know what to think
They were worried about their friend of course
But also had no clue where they sat in this.
Joel was scotts childhood best friend,
and Xornoth was his twin brother.
They were not as close with him as those two
technically "three" including shelby, who wasnt aware of the situation.
And they had no clue if they ever would be.
Over the past couple months Jimmy and Scott grew very close,
hung out together nearly every weekend, at the arcade or a cafe.
Now jimmy was taking care of a very sick Scott when they've barely known eachother for 6 months.
But that didnt matter to them,  scott was jimmys priority at this moment.
He was going to make sure he was there and scott was okay until Xornoth got back and possibly drop kicked him out of the door for being close to his twin
Over protective much... jimmy thought to himself
Jimmy looked down and scott was asleep on his legs, it was sweet.
He enjoyed it.
He looked so peaceful.
And he wasnt going to be the one to wake him up, especially in this condition.
He smiled at the sleeping blonde and texted xornoth, what was he going to do?
Just leave a worried xornoth to potentially explode the school with everyone in it?
Hah- not a chance.

{Xornoths POV}

I stood infront of joels locker, listened into him talking to lizzie, mostly them flirting.. ew
I continued to stand there, disgusted by joels awful flirting towards the pink haired axolotl hybrid.
I could see my phone light up for a split second in my hand as i lifted it to see, the weird cod kid texted. Weird.

Weird Fish Boy🐟
Hello uhm- yeah ho

Weird fish boy🐟

Weird Fish boy🐟
Sorry, but uhm- hi

Literal Demon😈
Uhm, hello?

Weird Fish boy🐟
Hi, i just wanted to make sure you
werent going to burn doen the 
school uhm- so, i and scott are in
your guyses dorm, i figued i 
should let you kmow

Literal Demon😈
Oh uhm, thanks, mind me asking
what exactly happened?

Weird Fish boy🐟
Sensory overload i think.
He told me he started crying in 
class and then when be lef t he 
felt like everyone was staring at 
him and they all looked like- 
black blobs?

Literal Demon😈
That could mean one of two 
things for him, care to know?

Weird Fish boy🐟
Yes please, ide like to help in
any wy possib;e

Literal Demon😈
It could be a sensory overload
or that typically happens when
he has a fever, does he feel

Weird Fish boy🐟
Thats one of the reasins i 
braught him back, he
addmitively doesnt feel

Literal Demon😈
Do you want me back in the

Weird Fish boy🐟
If you need to finish classes
you can! Im here to help im
anh way you need!

Literal Demon😈
Thank you James. Im
going to finish my classes
i only have a couple left.

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