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(some of these headcannons are random and from my own au that will make zero sense)

 !Do Not Skip!


 Headcannon 01 (Scott and Xornoth)

Scott and Xornoth have been foster children their entire lives, they were given up as babies for unknown reasons, Scott thinks its his fault because he has a specific condition which makes him more sensitive to hot and cold/ change of temperature. After years they found their current mother, Lauren Major. Whom had adopted them when they were both 12 but their adoption still isnt official so they live in constant fear of being given up again.


Headcannon 02 (Scott, Joel, And Shelby (Partial Xornoth)

Scott joel and shelby met when they were extremely young, like 3 years old all three of them. Shelby and Joel would hear about Scotts new foster families all of the time but sense they were so young they never really understood until They grew up and the twins explained to them what being a foster kid was like. Xornoth was also close with shelby and joel but not as close as scott is with them. Shelby, Scott and Joel have always been super competitive and played basketball together and still do.


Headcannon 03 (Scott)

Scott is a  figure skater, and basketball player, he can also sing and play the violin which makes his brother jealous sometimes but Xoroth is happy scott found a way to express himself. Scott is also trained by a very harsh Russian skating teacher named Sasha hes very hard on Scott but only because he wants him to succeed. He also managed to become captain of their high school basketball team and was first chair in violin his freshmen year.


 Headcannon 04 (Shelby) 

Shelby has 6 pet frogs which cannot stop talking about all the time, shes fascinated by all her pets though that just gives her another reason to hate chemistry and anatomy class (the disecting frogs and animals part) but besides that Shelby is amazing at making potions and mixing chemicals together to make different formulas. Shelby is an insane 3rd best on their basketball team despite her height  (4'10)


Headcannon 05 (Joel)

Joel Is a star athlete despite his height compared to everyone else on his team even though he towers over shelby he is (5'6) , though no matter what he does he cant beat scott. Though joel is a close second best on their basketball team and if scott were to quit to be focused on orchestra  or figure skating joel would be his replacement as captain.


Headcannon 06 (Joey)

Joey has a huge crush on scotts slightly older twin brother Xornoth, but wants X to make the first move. Joey also used to and still does bully scott for no reason, scott thinks its to get closer to xornoth but hes not sure at all.


Headcannon 07 (Xornoth)

Xornoth is extremely overprotective of scott and hates joeys guts (for now) for making fun of him. Xornoth acts like he hates everyone and everything in large groups of people, but around people hes comfortable with hes a total sweetheart. 

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