
It had been a few days since I saw Thad, and while I missed him dearly and wished to see him again, I couldn't bring myself to break the promise I made

to Vivienne.

Eight years had passed since I last approached him, and even

though he was now in the same city as I was, I remained hesitant to reach out.

"Sera, the manager wants to speak with you," one of my colleagues informed me. I nodded in acknowledgment and left the bustling kitchen.

I knocked on the manager's office door and entered after hearing a "come in" from her.

"You wanted to see me?" I inquired as soon as I had closed the door behind me. I was still dressed in my chef attire, complete with my cap. I couldn't

help but feel relieved that she had called me, as I had been enduring the heat of the kitchen for six straight hours.

"Yes, Sera. Please, have a seat," she responded, gesturing towards the chair in front of her desk.

I let out a sigh and took a seat.

"I know this is sudden, and I'm aware you don't like this, so before you open your mouth to curse me, just hear me out," she urged, and I immediately knew what she was going to ask.

"You know our restaurant is a high-class establishment, and we have various customers who request a private chef for their romantic dates and such," she

began, and I shifted in my seat, bracing myself for what was to come.

"I could have called Clara, but everyone knows you are still one of the best we have, Sera. A very important couple is having a dinner date here tomorrow,

and I want you to be the one to provide our services," she explained, looking at me with an apologetic expression.

"Sarah..." I began.

"I know it wasn't part of our contract, and I'm aware you don't like it, but just this once. They are VIPs at this restaurant, and I can't afford to disappoint them," she pleaded.

I sighed and finally nodded. "Okay, just this once," I agreed.

She smiled and expressed her gratitude. "That's why I love you, Seraphina. You're the best," she said, standing up to hug me tight.

"Careful... I have flour on my clothes," I chuckled as she held me tightly.

* * *


"Thank you," Castilla said with a smile as I pulled out the chair for her to sit. I returned to my own seat, patiently awaiting the chef's arrival.

"I didn't know you would bring me here, Thad," she remarked, looking around the section I had rented for the night. "It's beautiful," she added.

"Of course it has to be. It's your birthday," I replied, earning a chuckle from her.

Just as we were settling in, a voice began speaking. "Good evening, sir and ma. I will be the chef preparing your meal tonight. It's a pleasure to be here to prepare a special meal for you. My name is Chef..." The voice trailed off

as I looked up and met her gaze.

Her eyes widened a bit in shock as she stared at me. I couldn't help but notice how elegant she looked in her pristine white chef attire and perfectly fitting cap, with a few strands of chestnut hair peeking out.

We locked eyes for a

moment before she cleared her throat.

"If you have any dietary preferences or questions about the menu, please feel free to let me know," she stammered slightly.

"What are you preparing for us?" Callie asked, a smile on her face.

"It's a secret," she replied with a small smile, and Callie chuckled in response.

I couldn't help but get lost in her smile, which seemed just like the one she had when I first saw her at that event.

"Did you tell her not to tell me beforehand?" Callie inquired, breaking my reverie. I turned to look at her, letting out a small chuckle.

"No, not really," I replied, feeling my heart beat faster in my chest.

Callie nodded, a smile on her face, but I could tell she wasn't entirely

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