Soul Stealing In A Winter Wonderland

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Well, trying to steal souls
(AN: A silly winter fanfic. This takes place in the show (though still in my au). It has a lot more of a cartoony vibe to it, unlike the rest of my writing. But I've been experimenting with my writing style a bit lol
Story: The Devil relentlessly tries to get her hands on the Cuphead's soul, taking hesitant help from a certain self-proclaimed miracle (Queen Dice).


One thing the Devil knew for certain was how easy it could be to tempt a human. She could place any bet, make any offer; and just about any human would fall right into her trap. Just from their pride or their own desires. It was a lovely thing; how easy she could persuade someone. Give them an offer, and they will almost never refuse.
Her obsession with getting every soul on the planet would always prove to be a difficult task, yet one that she would never let go undone. She often got a soul on her first try, and if that failed, they'd always come crawling back. But no matter what she tried, there was but one soul that always slipped through her fingers— And not just because she'd just gotten her nails done.

No, she'd been after Cuphead's soul for longer than her pride would admit. Sure, she could just forget it, or leave it be as her minions and Henchwoman would say. But that was the very thing; she couldn't. Not just because of her slight obsessive nature of wanting every soul in existence, but because Cuphead owed her her soul more times than the Devil cared to keep track of. Though, no matter what heinous plan she'd come up with, Cuphead would always slip away.

The Devil had enough. She'd lost her temper with the sweater; now she was livid with Cuphead managing to cheat at a card game at her Casino. If only she knew how to get that little brat's soul so she could finally move on from this nightmare chase. Cuphead always seemed to be one step ahead of the Devil; it drove her absolutely batty.

She would go right now, actually. The sooner she got that girl's soul, the better.

"Where are you heading off to?" Henchwoman asked, meticulously cleaning her Boss' throne.

"To get the bratty little girl's soul, once and for all!" The Devil snapped.

"Alright, Boss, just don't forget your coat, it's cold out."

"Hah! You make me laugh, Henchwoman, I don't need a coat; I'm the Devil!"

The demon struck her trident to the ground vanishing in a cloud of purple smoke. Henchwoman casually finished up polishing, ready to sweep the floors next. The smallest hint of a smile tugged at her lips while she waited;

"3... 2... 1–"

The Devil teleported back, shaking off snow and shivering.

"Uhm... Henchwoman, dear, where is my coat?"


When it got cold in the Inkwell Isles, it got cold. It wasn't anything that the citizens of Inkwell weren't used to, however, as there was still kids out playing in the snow and families spending time together. The same, of course could be said for the Cup Sisters, currently having a snowball fight.

"Cuphead...?" Mugma'am looked around, picking up a bunch of snow and packing it into a snowball. "You can't hide, that's cheating!"

She looked around a tree for her sister, only to get nailed in the back of her head with a snowball. Angrily rubbing the back of her head, she heard Cuphead's notorious, booming laughter. Though, upon making eye contact with Mugma'am, she quickly sunk back behind the rock she was using as her hiding place.


Mugma'am ran towards the rock, her snowball still ready. Upon looking over her sister's hiding place, Mugs got a face full of snow and more laughter from Cuphead. Falling down in the snow on her rear, Mugs shook her head off as she glared up at Cuphead, still laughing at her.

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