A Dicey Situation

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"You're insane, Devil. And how can you say dat about dis cute widdle baby anyway~" Queen Dice cooed at Little Everette playing with their toys in their crib.

"Dice, really." The Devil grumbled. "All I'm saying is that; I thought I was bad. But they're bad."

"Devil, you're overreacting."

"You're under-reacting."

"That's not even a word!"

"It's not? It should be..."

"Luci, please." Dice chuckled. "I bet I could take care of them all day myself with both hands tied behind my back."

"I bet you couldn't." The Devil sneered.

"Oh-hoho~?" Queen Dice raised a determined eyebrow. "Is that a challenge, my dear?"

"Eh, I'm a gambling demon." Luci shrugged. "But, if you're up for a bet~"


"Fine." The Devil cleared her throat. "I've got errands to run in the underworld- mostly meetings- and the girls are going out with friends. You must take care of Everette while we're out, and keep the house and Casino in one piece. If you can't, I win and you have to do my paper work and go to my meetings or a month!"

"Fine by me, but when I win, you have to admit that you were overreacting." Dice crossed her arms.

"Hah, that's it?" Luci snorted. "You going soft on me, Dice?"

"And you've gotta wear a suit for a whole day."


"C'mon, Luci, I thought you liked a good bet?"

"... I do like a good bet..."

"Fine, then let's shake on it."

Queen Dice held out her hand, the Devil's lips curving to a wicked, jagged tooth smile. They shook hands, the deal made. No going back now. Once you've made a deal with the Devil, you must fulfill your part of it. And that's exactly what Dice was planning to do.


After Luci had taken the elevator down deeper into Hell with Henchwoman and the girls had left, it was just Everette and Queen Dice now.
Now, usually during her meetings, the sisters would be looking after Eve while Dice rested from a long days of work. But this special occasion gave the girls the day off.

Dice was convinced that both the Devil and the girls were just overreacting. And she was determined to prove that point. She walked off into Everette's room, the baby enjoying their time in their crib playing. They heard the distinctive heeled footsteps of Dice and looked up at the woman with their big yellow and green goldfish-like eyes.

"Good morning my sweet little angel." Queen Dice picked them up, the words 'Little Devil' on their onesie being quite the contrary to what she called them often. "Why don't you and mommy go get some breakfast?" Dice held them in one arm, pinching their little cheek with the other. Everette giggled and clapped their hands.

Out in the kitchen, Dice sat Eve in their small height chair before turning to the stove. Dice preparing to make herself some eggs for breakfast, turned her back to Evie. The demon baby looked around the room, eyeing the cookie jar. Shifting in their height chair, they reached for the jar. The babbling and grunting caught Dice's attention, as she turned to see what the commotion was all about.

"What? What is it my darling?"

"Want!" Eve still stretched for the jar just out of their reach on the counter.

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