Devilish Desserts

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Queen Dice finished up her makeup for the day with her lipstick. Though her focus was on her eyes- below her eyes to be exact. Despite having makeup on and the fact that it's pretty good at hiding her age, she could still just barely make out the wrinkles around her eyes, forehead and mouth. Cautiously stretching her face, she admired how she looked without wrinkles compared to how she looked with them. Going on 39 this year, it was hard for her to accept that she was getting older than younger. She took her hands off of her face, putting concentration on getting her hair up. Standing and putting in her jacket, she sighed sadly and exited the small bathroom connected to her office and began on her way to work.
Going to next door to the Devil's office, she knocked on the hard oak wood.


Dice opened the door, preparing for a quick in and out- That is, until she saw what exactly the Devil was doing. Searching around on the floor beneath her desk, she was preoccupied by finding... Something. Everette sat on the Devil's desk, kicking their feet and gnawing on a cookie. Blinking, Queen Dice furrowed her eyebrows;

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, hello, Dice." Luci replied nonchalantly. "I'm looking for a cookie I dropped. I can't seem to find it."

Queen Dice looked back at Everette, the baby demon snickering and shushing her as they continued to chew on the cookie.

"That cookie is my breakfast! I suppose I can get a new one..."

"Yeah, I think that'd be a better idea." Dice sighed. "We're opening here soon, just wanted to let you know." Dice turned up go back out of the door.

"Dice...? Are you ok?" Luci stopped searching for her cookie and turned to her wife, very obviously worried about her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What do- What do you mean?"

"It seems like something is troubling you." The Devil approached her, cupping her face.

"I'm fine, really."

"No. You're not. Something's wrong, I can tell. Tell me, please?"

Dice sighed, closing the door to make sure that no one heard the conversation they were about to have.

"I'm... Just not liking how I look... I'm... I've got wrinkles under my eyes... And..."

"You're beautiful, Queen." Luci brushed her thumb against Dice's cheek. "I know this, you know this- We all know it, Dice."

"That's not exactly what I..." Queen Dice placed her hand over the Devil's. "Am I old? Am I too old?"

"Huh??" Luci's eyes widened. "W- What does that even mean?"

"Yes or no?" Dice asked, more slightly more aggressive than a moment before.

"Uhm- You want... You want an honest answer?"

"Yes. Be honest."

"I mean... Uhm..." The Devil thought long and hard about the choice of words she was about to choose. "Well... You're 38, I'll tell you that..."

"Tell me then."

"You're... Not exactly... 20 anymore... You're almost 40. Which... Y'know, to me, that's not old at all. I'm about 6,000, give or take. But for humans... I mean... Stereotypically, humans live up to about 80-100... So you're at about the halfway point..."

"Will you please just give me a clear, honest answer?"


"You think I'm old?" Dice began raising her voice.

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