Stage Fright

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(I love writing stories about the same two dorks falling in love over and over again 😆 but yes, this takes place during the events of the Cuphead Show. Specifically right after the episode 'Down and Out')

Queen Dice and Henchwoman were alone in the break room, Henchwoman sweeping and Dice making sure she didn't miss a spot. The record player was on, playing a song that the two of them knew very well. Though, Henchwoman wasn't singing, leaving that part to Dice with her feet up on the table. The demon loved hearing Dice's voice, she listened to it all the time on her show, as the woman always started it by singing her most popular and favorite song. Everyone who heard Queen Dice sing was prone to falling in love with her. And Dice was lucky to have that power, it made her job as the show host much easier.

The door swung open, Dice immediately stopped singing and hurried over to turn off the record player. Henchwoman furrowed her eyebrows as the Devil herself marched in, straight over to her.

"Is that sweeping done yet?" The Devil crossed her arms.

"Almost, Boss." Henchwoman showed no fear to the Devil's temper. "You told me to make sure that this room was squeaky clean."

"Well, you're doing a good job. But I'd like to remind you that I have a couple meetings today- unfortunately- and I'd like to get to them on time today." The Devil snarled. "So if you would kindly hurry up, that would be splendid."

"Of course, Boss. Sorry, Boss."

The Devil turned back around rolling her eyes and shaking her head, her eyes falling in Dice's gaze. Queen Dice leaned on the now closed record player and tried to look natural. Adding a sheepish smile, she waved to her Boss. Not reacting whatsoever aside from a quick glance from the record player to Dice, the Devil continued on her way.

"You missed a spot over by Dice, Henchwoman." The Devil slammed the door behind her.

Sighing loudly, Queen Dice finally relaxed and fell over the couch, landing face-first in the cushions. It probably messed up her makeup, but she wasn't too worried, she wasn't going to be busy tonight aside from dancing and... And singing with the Boss later. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to go. Normally Dice loved putting her face out there and being in the spotlight- But something stopped her from doing it in front of her Boss.

"What was that all about?" Henchwoman asked from the other side of the room, moving to the other side.

"What was what?"

"What you did when the Boss came in?"

"Wh- Whatever do you mean, Henchie? I'm... It was- I didn't do anythin'."

"Now Miss Queen Dice, if you're gonna lie, don't make it obvious." Henchwoman seemed to force out her chuckle. "Can you please tell me what's goin on?"

"Nothing." Queen Dice sat up straight on the couch, fixing her hair. "Nothing at all." She looked over to Henchwoman who was finishing up her sweeping by the door- Though she gave Dice a very unimpressed look.

"You stopped singing and turned off the record player when the Boss walked in. Why?"

"Oh, no reason- I just- I wanted to make sure that we- You could hear her voice while she was talking. You know how hospitable I am~ " Dice explained, but the purple imp wasn't buying it.

"First off, anyone who works for the Devil herself isn't hospitable enough to turn off a radio to make sure someone could hear a conversation- Even you, Miss Queen Dice, Ma'am." Henchwoman began getting impatient with Dice.

"Was worth a try." The woman shrugged.

"Second, I definitely see what going on here."

"What?!" Dice stood from the couch, panicking. "I'm not afraid of the Boss hearing me sing and not liking it!"

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