The Devil's Birthday Part 5 of 5

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"Boss, I'm telling you, nothing's wrong!" Henchwoman chased after her boss as Lucifer slammed the car door shut and marched the Casino doors.

"I know when you're lying to me, Henchwoman." She snapped back. "And I don't appreciate it."

The other felt a pang of guilt as the Devil dug through her bag for the front door keys. She never liked lying to her boss, it was the last thing she ever wanted to do. She owed the Queen of Hell her life anyways, after everything Lucifer had done for her. Not only because she spared her when she would obliterate anyone else. Also because The Devil had saved her on multiple occasions, not just from bigger, badder demons that got out of line- But also from another... higher power...

Either way the Devil only deserved the truth, but Henchwoman wasn't a fool enough to ruin a surprise and take Queen Dice's wrath.

"There's really nothing wrong, why don't we go back to the restaurant, Hmm? We Uh... We didn't pay for our bill!" Henchwoman still tried to convince Old Scratch to let it go. The Devil whipped around, the key in hand. Her eyes narrowed as she brought the cruel world down on the other demon.

"First off, I never pay for my meals. It's the evilest thing I can do to a restaurant besides use all their toilet paper making people into mummies." The Devil loomed over her, no longer taking her excuses. "Secondly, if there's nothing wrong, you open the doors and prove it to me." She dangled the key in front of Henchwoman's face.

"But, Boss, I really think you should take my word for it- "

"Henchwoman. Now."

"I really don't think- "

"Don't make me repeat myself."

Henchwoman gulped, realizing there was no other way out of this. All she could hope was that the party was all set up and the others were waiting on them. With a shaking hand, she took the key and approached the door, turning around one last time to give one last remark. Her mouth opened until she met with Lucifer's gaze. It was that same look every sinner got when she finally met them after their trial. It was an awful glare, one that made you regret everything you've ever done and reminding you that you can't change it.

Certainly not a look Henchwoman ever wanted to meet again.

She turned back to the doors, unlocking them and opening them to the Casino, which was pitch black inside.

"S- See? I told you there was nothing wrong!" Henchwoman turned to face her boss, the other demon blinking confusingly before her gaze fell to the other's. A small, tranquil sigh came from Lucifer, almost as if it was a load off her mind.

"I guess you were right, I'm sorry doubted you." The Devil walked into her Casino, Henchwoman reluctantly following in tow. With a snap of the Devil's fingers, the Casino's lights came on. The entirety of the Casino floor empty, to Henchwoman's surprise.

"You seem on edge, is there something the matter?"

"Yes- Well- Uhm- No- Uhm- I can't... I can't tell you."

"You can't tell me?" The hurt voice that came out of the Devil's mouth. It really pained the other demon to still be lying to her Boss.

"Boss, the truth is... we- "


The Devil and Henchwoman jumped to everyone coming out of their hiding spots, confusing not only the Devil herself, but also Henchwoman. Lucifer looked down to the other demon, more of confused than angry.

"Surpriiiiiise........?" Henchwoman put in an awkward smile and threw in Jazz hands.

"Henchwoman. Explain."

"I'll explain, Luci," Queen came upfront and held Lucifer by her hands. "We felt bad that you didn't technically have a birthday. So I- we decided to give you one. It ain't much, since we didn't have a lot of time. So we hope it's enough."

"It'd better be enough." Wheezy grumbled, Chips shushing her.

The Devil blinked, still looking confused. It was an uncomfortable silence, filled with people looking at each other, unsure if the Boss' feelings.

"Boss?" Queen Dice finally asked, becoming less and less confident in the plan. "You alright? Is it... Too much? Did you not want a birthday?"

The Devil let go of Dice's hands and threw her arms over the woman's shoulders and melting into an embrace. Without a word, she buried her face in the crooked of Dice's neck. Queen Dice, convinced this was a hug, followed through with it and patted her back, staring down at Henchwoman, who shrugged.

"Alright there, Boss?" Queen Dice hid her concern with a chuckle.

"Thank you." The Devil sniffed.

"Anytime Boss."

"Daww, Boss, you're such a softie!" Henchwoman seemed to be thinking aloud. The Devil released Queen from the hug and whipped around to face the other demon, a low growl arising from deep in her throat. Henchwoman's face went as pale as a ghost's.

"How about we enjoy some cake and presents?" Queen Dice quickly said, pulling the Devil along to the rest of the party and away from potentially obliterating one of her employees.

"I hope you like the cake. And I don't take criticism, it took me all day." Wheezy opened the cake box, revealing a large rectangular cake with blood red frosting and black letters that read 'Happy Birthday Boss Lady' in curly, cursive and perfect letters. It almost looked like it was factory made or was made by a professional. The Devil almost felt bad for having to cut and eat it- as did everyone else.

"Wheezy... This is gorgeous!" Old Scratch marveled at the art.

"My father was a baker, do the math." Wheezy hid her proud smile under sarcasm and narrowed eyes rolling.

"She's amazing, ain't she?" Chips giggled, locking elbows with her and leaning on her shoulder. Wheezy could've set the entire Casino on fire if she hadn't kept her cool.

With the cut of cake and unwrapping of presents, the Devil had finally come to find what birthdays were really all about. Sure when it's someone's birthday, they get whatever they want and get the attention for the day- which Lucifer was not against.
But she also found just how much the employees around her cared for her. Whether they show it or not, now she knew that there are even a few people.

She knew that she wasn't made to be loved. She was made to be feared, to be hated across the world. And sure, she enjoyed seeing people cower in fear and lose their souls to their own greed and selfishness. But if people appreciated her and loved her for just a second for one day out of the entire year-


She'd be just fine with that.

The End

(Author's note: Sorry if the ending seems rushed, I wasn't sure how to end this but I also wanted to move on to writing another one. But I hope you liked it nonetheless! ^_^)

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