No More Tears Left To Cry

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The Devil found herself staring up at the ceiling, her only company being the soft snoring from Queen Dice beside her. It was always so hard for her to sleep at 3 am- which wasn't a surprise, considering that it is the Devil's Hour. She was convinced that it was just another curse that the 'Almighty' had put on her. But it may have also been because of the mortals in the over world always talking to her or her demons at this time.

Either way it was annoying as hell.

She sighed loudly, rolling over, perhaps to get comfortable, though it was obvious she wouldn't be getting to sleep any time soon. The Devil finally decided to get up, maybe get a snack or something. She didn't technically need to eat, Hell, the only reason she had food or even a kitchen was for Queen Dice and the Cup Sisters. Being mortals, they had to eat and such. And though the Devil didn't need to, she did eat when she was bored. Scouring through the dark, empty room like a mouse, she didn't find anything that she found remotely appetizing.

She did however, hear a small, meek sound. Her ear twitched, listening closely, deciding on whether she actually heard it or if she was going insane. Both were possibilities. Another sound came from the lounge. A small cry. Usually, The Devil enjoyed listening to the cries of despair- especially from a sinner begging for their life. That Cameo guy she punished last week had her howling with laughter for a good hour. But this wasn't a cry to be laughing at. It was that sixth sense that demons, such as her, and angels had. Other mortal beings had them, but not humans. She sensed something was very wrong, and not in a good way.

She abandoned her idea of getting a snack and crept to the lounge, poking her head in timidly. She blinked confusingly at the sight. There she was, one of her adoptive daughters, crying on the loveseat. She had her legs pinned to her chest and her arms hugging her legs, her head glued to her knees.


"Lucifer- Er- Boss- Mrs. Devil!" Mugma'am quickly looked up, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. "What are you doing here?"

"I was hungry. What are you doing?" The Devil tilted her head.

"It's nothing. Really, it's nothing, go back to bed." Mugs refused to make eye contact with the demon.

"It's not nothing, there's something wrong. You don't cry unless I make you cry or your sister does." The Devil stepped into the room. With a snap of her fingers, a lamp turned on.

"It's nothing... Not that you'd understand anyways." Mugma'am muttered.

"Try me." The Devil sat next to her. "I can at least listen."
Mugma'am inhaled deeply and slowly, before letting it out in a long sigh.

"You know how... How... Elder Kettle is... You know..."


"Ok... I've just been... Thinking about her... A lot..."

"I'm sure."

"She was just so close to us... And we were close to her."

"I know..."

"How the Hell would you know?"

The Devil could've been offended by that harsh remark. She could've snapped at the poor girl and make her realize just how many times that had happened to the Lord of Darkness. She could've completely lost it and burnt her to a crisp right then and there. Mugs was being rather selfish, thinking that.

But Lucifer didn't.

"Mugma'am." The threatening tone she used made the girl jump, but still not look at the demon. "I... I of all people know what that's like." She softened her tone. "I lost my brother and my best friend when I fell, I've lost every person who ever cared about me- not... not me, but the image of their lover or their fiancé. Willy Shakespeare was probably my favorite guy I've dated. Before I robbed him anyways- "

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