(C. 21) The Desk

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A/N I hate past me for deciding to title the chapters in this book. Chapter titles are so hard to come up with. Also, we are about ten chapters from the end of this fic, maybe a few more, but I'm going to be making a sequel (one that can be read as a standalone or as connected to this called Shark (you oldies will remember this title as a fic I pitched a long time ago and never wrote. She's being revived.)). Also, TW again for pedophilia. It's not implied this time and I hated writing it.


Inundated with tasks in the following weeks, the trio had not been able to spend very much time with each other in general. None knew why their assignments and paperwork had amped up to such a degree. They tried to make the best of it, attempted to at least work together in the same rooms or schedule training sessions together. Somehow, every time they succeeded, one of them was pulled away. It was always Y/n.

There was no sign of Mori's increased requests for Y/n stopping and they'd all been so busy he hadn't gotten a chance to speak to her alone. His plan of bringing it up with her had been absolutely stymied, it seemed to him that Mori was actively trying to break them apart. It felt almost like he was rescinding his deal with Y/n as well. She hadn't been out on a mission since the last one the three of them had been on together. That was well over two weeks ago by now.

He and Chuuya had been doing the paperwork for the last mission they had been sent on together when some low level worker had entered the conference room they occupied, announcing that the boss had asked to see Dazai. Chuuya had grumbled some words of relief that he wouldn't have to be in Dazai's presence any longer and Dazai had taken his leave, leaving his work on the table with every intent to return.

As he made his way to Mori's office, his mind wandered. It was late for a meeting like this, seven or eight at night already. The halls of the Mafia were emptier than they were during the day because of this. It seemed unlikely that Mori would be giving him a new mission at this time of night, especially right after the four he and Chuuya had already managed to complete this week, but he couldn't come up with any other reason the boss would be calling Dazai to his office. Unless it was about Y/n.

What if Mori had found out about him sneaking her off to Lupin or getting her food? What if he had somehow found out about their night time hangouts and sleepovers? Dazai wouldn't have any excuses for any of it and shuddered to think how Mori might react having made such discoveries. Would he be ousted from the mafia? Tortured? Killed? He found their relationship to have become even more confusing with Y/n's newfound freedoms. There was no way of truly knowing what to expect.

A thought suddenly struck him, something Mori could have realized that Dazai felt boded much worse. Mori had always been so protective over Y/n, always kept her sheltered and on a leash. What if Mori had simply realized how close they were and what if the Mafia Boss was going to order him to cut contact?

He was at the heavy oak doors of the office now and took a deep breath before pushing them open, his spinning thoughts causing him to forget to knock. What he was met with within those four dark walls was shocking beyond belief.

Mori was not the only person in the office, no. Dazai could see that as soon as he entered. Rather than seeing his boss seated calmly beside his desk, or standing by one of the large windows surveying the city as he had expected, his eyes were met with something entirely different.

Mori leaned over a figure on the desk, holding them down by their wrists with one hand while the other pulled at the neckline of their dress. Y/n's hair was splayed out around her head on the table top like a halo. Her head was turned to the side and her eyes tightly closed as Mori leaned into her neck. She looked like she was doing everything she could to get as far away from him as possible.

The door fell shut with a bang behind him and Mori looked up, a wicked smile on his face.

"Ah, Dazai." he said, his voice calm and smooth and his wrists still holding Y/n down, "Come in."

As she heard Mori say his name, Y/n's eyes snapped open. His eyes met hers, they were full of an unintelligible emotion. She struggled under Mori's grip and Dazai stood by the door, deeply uncomfortable with the situation and unsure of what to do.

Releasing Y/n, Mori stood back up to his full hight, the same delighted, godless grin still spread across his face, and gestured for Dazai to approach. Y/n scampered down from the desk, off to the side, body bent and eyes wild. She clutched at the fabric of her dress, looking frantically between Dazai and Mori for a moment. Dazai took a step forward, not towards the chair Mori had offered him but rather, towards his closest companion. As he did so, she took a step back, now pressing herself against the wall. He faltered.

Her name on the tip of his tongue, she ran from the room. Dazai's eyes followed her until the door slammed shut in her wake. It was only when Mori laughed that the young executive's attention turned to his boss.

Steeling himself, Dazai turned to face him. Mori was seated now, back in his normal chair. He radiated power, achievement, a sense of victory as his hands rested delicately on the arm rests.

"Sit." he commanded and Dazai obeyed, too shocked and stuck in his own spinning head to do anything different, "I wanted to talk to you about your most recent work extorting that government official."

Dazai remained silent, wide eyes on Mori.

"How has it been going? I have yet to receive your report on the matter."

"It's almost done." Dazai responded, on autopilot.

"You're almost done writing it or almost done with the job?" Mori's voice was chipper and Dazai felt like he was going to vomit.

"I..." he trailed off, standing suddenly from his seat, "I have to go."

Little Doll (Mafia!Dazai x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang