(C. 14) Shark

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The mission had gone more than smoothly. Dazai had to admit, Y/n was a fast learner.

The group of smugglers was only about ten, twenty guys. Methodically, she broke them off into smaller groups, luring them places alone, killing them quietly so as not to raise alarm. By the time she reached the organizations leader and he hit a panic button on his desk to call in his subordinates, she was covered in blood and the building was empty.

Her smile was sharp, her eyes, sharper. She approached his desk, hands holding her knife behind her back. Shoes clicking delicately on the tile floor, she walked slowly towards him. Chuuya felt a shudder go down his spine; Y/n looked like she had stepped right out of a b horror movie. Some shitty slasher flic, but one with good jump-scares and a dedicated costume designer.

Realizing that no matter how many times he called, help would not come, the man got to his feet. As she advanced, he backed further away. Step by step, he pressed himself against the wall. Now barely half a foot away from him, Y/n stopped her advance and looked up.

"Why are you so scared? I thought I was just a little girl." she asked, her voice silver and dainty as she parroted his words from earlier.

"Whats a little girl like you doing here?" he had said, his voice powerful and teasing. That had been before he'd noticed the blood splattered across her bare arms, neck, and face. Then, he had shot up from his chair. Then, he had cried in sudden alarm.

The man opened his mouth to respond but crumpled over in pain before he could, clutching at the wound Y/n had just made in his stomach. Her movements had been swift and silent. She had clearly been taught to use her appearances to her advantage. It was always easier to catch a victim when they were caught off guard and what is better at doing that than someone who looks like a little girl, is dressed like a doll, and absolutely head to toe soaked in the blood of others.

"What, nothing to say?" she asked, her voice sounding as though it was full of genuine concern, "You seem like you're in a lot of pain there, mister. Want me to put you out of your misery?"

The man simply groaned in pain, sliding to the floor. Y/n raised the tip of her thin blade to his temple.

"What was that?" she asked sweetly, "If you don't say something soon, I'm just gonna take your silence as a yes."

"Please!" he yelled, his voice strangled and blood dripping from his mouth. It was clearly meant to be a yes, a please spare me. Y/n knew that, she just didn't care.

There was a job, and there was an audience. She was a teenager. One who had had to grow up too quick but, don't all teenagers end up feeling that way in the end? Emotional maturity aside, this was a matter of pride and proving her strength to the two men watching.

"Oh alright, if you say so."

In one swift movement, the knife entered his head. She smiled maliciously as she withdrew the blade and the man fell, lifeless, onto his side.

Dazai wolf-whistled as he and Chuuya stepped into the room, Y/n wiping her blade on her red skirt before sliding it into her heeled boot and turning to face her companions.

"Not bad." he nodded, walking over to the corpse and kicking it, "I liked the anger."

"Thank you, thank you." Y/n said, dramatically bowing a few times as though she were an actor in a play.

"You're brutal." Chuuya commented, coming up beside her.

Y/n looked up at him. Chuuya noticed her brow furrowed, though she tried to hide it. It was a barely noticeable thing he was sure someone like Dazai would have caught in a second, would have understood every reason why it happened. Instead, he could only guess.

"You just don't seem capable of things like this." Chuuya explained, "You look like a little girl..."

"But?" Dazai asked, still crouched next to the body with his back to them.

"You're... You're like a shark." Chuuya finished.

"What?" Y/n asked, her brow furrowed.

Chuuya felt his cheeks grow warm and scratched his head awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable with the situation. Dazai stood up straight, moving to stand beside Y/n with his hands in his pockets. Under her quizzical gaze and his glare, Chuuya only felt his discomfort grow.

"You're out for blood." he stuttered and Y/n turned her questioning gaze briefly to Dazai before looking back at Chuuya, "It's a compliment."


"Did I upset you?" he asked after a moment, unable to interpret her expression.

Y/n thought for a moment before shaking her head no.

"I definitely prefer being a shark to Mori's little doll." she stated.

"Mori's little doll?" Chuuya repeated, "Who calls you that?"

Y/n ignored his question, turning to face Dazai.

"Is this something better?" she asked him, her tone light and playful, "Have I proven myself worthy?"

Dazai feigned thought for a moment, a hand to his chin as he let out a light hum.

"Yes." he nodded after a moment, hand slipping back into his pocket, "You're getting upgraded. Mori's little doll to Shark."

"Yes!" Y/n victoriously exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air before turning back to Chuuya, "Thank you! I would have had to keep hearing that all the time if it weren't for you. Can we go get lunch now?"

"Lunch?" Chuuya asked.

"It's a little tradition we have." Dazai shrugged, stepping forward towards Chuuya, "Post mission lunches."

"Post mission apple pie!" Y/n exclaimed, bouncing on her toes.

"Oh grow up." Dazai teased.

"You're just still jealous about how much I enjoy the little things." she scoffed playfully, crossing her arms and looking away from him.

"You probably need to get cleaned up first." Dazai sighed.

"What?" Y/n asked, turning back to him and letting her arms fall to her sides, "Why?"

"You're covered in blood?" Chuuya pointed out, "Can't really go anywhere like that."

Y/n looked down at her dress before looking back up at her companions.

"My dress is the same color, you can barley see it."

"At least wash your face first." Chuuya sighed.

"Is it really that bad?"

"And your arms." Dazai added, "Also, you might want to clean the soles of your shoes. You made quite a mess here."

"And then I get pie?" she asked, her eyes narrowed, "You promise?"

"I promise."


Little Doll (Mafia!Dazai x reader)Where stories live. Discover now