(C. 7) Distracted

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Dazai planned on waiting at least a week, maybe even two before taking some more of Y/n's time for himself. He planned on making her wait, making her wonder. The goal was that the next time he saw her, she would be so overjoyed at his truly having returned that she would agree when he asked to up the number of questions they got to ask each other. Two a meeting had been fun at first, but now Dazai had enough actual questions that the moment he entered her room, he was having trouble figuring out what to say.

The tidbits of information were fun, he wasn't trying to say they weren't. It wasn't even really that he couldn't decide what to ask. The real issue, much to his confusion, was that the second he actually came face to face with Y/n, other questions arose and he was left having asked some pointless little things rather than what he really wanted to know. Dazai had always been good at strategy, but Y/n had a way of throwing him off his game. It was alarming, it was exhilarating, it was...

Dazai felt the harsh sting of Chuuya's fist against his cheek. Part of being an executive with subordinates meant training those subordinates, taking care of them. He had allowed his mind to wander while sparring, a foolish error and not one he could recall having made before. Blinking down at the victoriously grinning Chuuya, Dazai shook his head slightly.

"I fucking got you!" Chuuya exclaimed, "So much for all your boasting now, only took me five minutes to beat you in a real fight."

"I was distracted." Dazai mumbled before quickly regaining his teasing composure, "The only reason you won is because you barley even register as an opponent to me. I got bored, my mind wandered."

"Yeah right." Chuuya scoffed as they returned to their starting positions, "Sore loser."

Needless to say, Dazai did not make the same mistake again. For the next two hours, he beat Chuuya again and again. He had some talent, Dazai had to admit that much. Even without using his ability, he was a strong and intimidating opponent. There were a couple times where he almost even won again, but Dazai made sure to keep Chuuya in his place. He didn't want him getting too cocky, that would just cause more issues. Besides, he was the executive out of the pair of them, he had to be better. If he wasn't better, then there was nothing keeping Chuuya from taking his job besides Mori's odd favoritism, which was fickle by nature. Dazai was starting to rather enjoy the routine and the bloodshed, he had no desire to leave his position at the moment.

After they had cleaned themselves up a bit, Chuuya and Dazai headed out of the training room they had occupied. The mafia was full of empty rooms with mats on the floor to practice fighting in. Making use of them was just like booking a study room and as an executive, Dazai had priority which meant he and Chuuya only practiced in the better rooms. The ones that had windows, the ones that had speaker systems for those who liked music, the ones that had doors to be closed.

They weren't going to the same place, they both had their work to do and tasks to complete. There was only one way out of the training rooms however, so Dazai and Chuuya walked together in silence. Times like this seemed to be the only time they genuinely got along. Tired and quiet, about to part ways.

"What were you thinking about earlier?" Chuuya asked, breaking the silence between them, trying his best to extend a hand of friendship, "I've never seen you distracted before."

"Nothing." Dazai hummed, hands in the pockets of his coat, gaze fixed ahead.

"So it was just an excuse for your poor performance." Chuuya teased.

Dazai opened his mouth, on the verge of a witty comeback, when another voice cut through the air. The training rooms were well insulated, but the section of the best ones they walked through now were still far from soundproof.

"Fuck!" someone exclaimed, "The boss is going to freak if he finds out!"

A mischievous glint cut through Dazai's eyes as he turned to look at Chuuya.

"Doesn't that sound interesting." he mused.

He turned his head to the room the voice seemed to have come from. Chuuya followed close behind his executive, curiosity getting the better of him, as Dazai walked over and quietly opened the door.

Chuuya peered in around Dazai. Inside the room were two full grown men in suits, they stood to either side of what appeared to be a young girl on the floor in a black, frilly dress. Chuuya recognized none of the people within the room, but knew Dazai must have. The way he didn't hesitate to enter the room completely, having seen what lay beyond the door, told Chuuya that much.

The men stepped back in shock as Dazai knelt down beside the girl, turning her head gently to check her pulse.

"She fainted," he announced, taking his hand from her neck, "I'll bring her to the infirmary."

One of the men stepped forward, a protest forming on his lips, but fell still once more seeing the scarily light hearted smile on Dazai's face.

"It's from malnutrition I'd reckon." he said cheerily, sliding his arms under Y/n and gently picking her up, "I'm sure Mori would much prefer she end up in the infirmary than for you two to let her lay there until she wakes up. Wouldn't you?"

The men exchanged a glance before nodding slightly.

"You're not gonna tell him, are you?" one of them asked as Dazai moved to leave the room.

Remembering the threat Mori had levied upon their heads, Dazai looked back over his shoulder to them.

"I don't see the need for blood to be spilt without reason." he shrugged, "Not right now, anyway."

Dazai shut the door behind him with his foot as he brought Y/n out of the room.

"Who is she?" Chuuya asked as they continued down the hallway.

"No one important." Dazai cryptically replied.

"Yeah sure." Chuuya rolled his eyes, "Like I'd believe that."

"No one that you need to worry yourself with."


They had reached the point where the hall connected the training rooms to the rest of the building. Chuuya moved to follow Dazai to the infirmary, but the glare the executive sent his way made him think better of it. They parted ways, Chuuya watching Dazai's retreating form for a moment before turning the other direction and heading to his office.

Chuuya had not thought Dazai capable of the gentle way the girl hung from his arms, he couldn't help but be curious as to her identity. Pushing the worries out of his mind, running the questions out, he felt vindicated in at least having something to tease his irritating superior about for the next couple days. Even if he couldn't know what was going on, who the girl was and her role in the Mafia, he could at least have that.

Little Doll (Mafia!Dazai x reader)Where stories live. Discover now