(C. 17) Bandage Boy

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"What is it exactly that you're bargaining for?" Dazai asked as they sat at their usual table by the window in the cafe.

They had both finished their food and were sitting cordially together, each full of relief for a different reason.

"My deal with Rin?" Y/n scoffed, leaning back in her chair, "Which one?"

Dazai had leant her his coat to cover the bullet hole in her dress while they were out. Sleeves rolled up, she pulled it tight around herself against the overpowered air conditioning.

"You're in that deep are you?" he noted and Y/n let out a sigh, nodding her head, "The one where you get to join the Port Mafia."

"It's simple really." she shrugged, "Besides, I thought I told you. I behave well, I get to go on missions."

"Yes, but why?"

"Its about my freedom." she said, sighing again as she turned to look out the window, "One step at a time."

"You want out of the Mafia?" Dazai queried, "Why try to join it then?"

"It's not about that." she replied, shaking her head as she watched the passersby through the glass, "I actually like being in the Mafia, going on missions and stuff. It makes me feel useful. It is honestly rather fulfilling. No, this is about getting out from under his thumb."

"Why is that so important to you?" Dazai asked, knowing he was pushing boundaries, remembering what he had seen that night he had walked in while she was asleep, "Your life isn't ideal, but its safe and well provided for. What in him are you running away from."

Y/n stood up from the table abruptly, putting her hands in the pockets of his coat. It was huge on her, nearly hitting the floor.

"Just want my own life, thats all." she said, her tone wavering, "Dangerous freedom is better than peaceful enslavement. At least the danger is interesting. Come on, lets go back."

It was an unconvincing response, but Dazai pulled himself up from the table nonetheless. Their walk back to the Mafia headquarters took place in a comfortable silence. When they at last entered the lobby of the main building, Y/n turned to Dazai. Taking off his coat, she handed it back to him. Gracefully, he took it from her grasp and folded it over his arm.

"I'll see you later." she said with a smile before turning on her heels and disappearing into the crowd of workers.

It was another week before Dazai was able to see her again. Having been sent on a rather time consuming and dull mission that had involved a lot of late night stakeouts, Dazai had not only been unavailable to surveil Y/n on any of her jobs but unable to visit her in her room for their late night talks. It was a pleasant surprise therefore, when he and Chuuya entered their normal training room to see Y/n perched on the table in the corner, left there for people to place things like water bottles on.

She waved to them as they entered, happily munching on a granola bar. Dazai smiled as he and Chuuya made their way over to her.

"What brings you to this neck of the woods?" he teased.

Y/n rolled her eyes, taking the last bite as she jumped down. Discarding the wrapper on the table behind her, she shrugged.

"I don't know, Rin said I'm supposed to be training with some loser and his subordinate from now on." she sarcastically responded, "Didn't care enough to catch their names."

"You get to train with us?" Dazai asked, genuinely happy to hear the news, "That's great!"

"Betcha wont be saying that four days from now when you're positively sick of seeing my face."

"Your face is too average for anyone to care enough to get sick of it."


"Does this mean we are going to get to have more assignments together?" Chuuya asked and Y/n turned to him.

"I hope so, anyone who can annoy bandage boy as much as you is someone I'd like to get to know better."

Whatever uncertainties Y/n had harbored towards her friend's subordinate before were clearly gone now as she shot him a toothy grin.

"Rude." Dazai cut in, copying Y/n's tone of voice from before.

"Hey," she said, putting her hands up, "I call 'em like I see 'em."

"And you got mad at me for doing the same?"

"Fine, I don't call you bandage boy anymore, you don't call me Mori's little doll, deal?"

Dazai nodded.


"What is it with you and making deals?" Chuuya asked as they readied themselves to begin.

"How else are you supposed to set boundaries?" Y/n asked, looking over at him.

"I don't know, like a normal person?"

Chuuya felt the nerves rise in his throat. He had spoken without truly thinking of his words and considering how little he knew about the girl, that could be a very dangerous thing.

"You got me there." she responded with a smile, immediately calming him.

"Yeah, you're sub-normal." Dazai called from his corner of the mat.

"Or super normal, he didn't specify which way." Y/n smirked, turning to face him.

"Are we doing one on ones or all at once?" Chuuya asked.

"Let's start out all at once, see what happens from there."

Little Doll (Mafia!Dazai x reader)Where stories live. Discover now