(C. 16) Loss

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A/N Guys, can I just say that I LOVE the banter I have created for them in this chapter.


After the mission the three of them had been on together, something major seemed to have changed in Mori and Y/n's relationship. Mostly, it was that he had begun to treat her more like a genuine member of the organization and less as a prized possession. It wasn't a major change, just little things here and there.

Y/n was now allowed to roam the halls of the building as she pleased now and had even been able to go out with Dazai to get snacks from a convenience store one afternoon. He didn't ask her for any clarification of the change, and she didn't give him any. It became just another one of their many unspoken agreements.

"Why is it that you're so set on killing yourself?" Y/n asked as they picked their way through the mess of bodies on the ground of the warehouse they were currently raiding, "I have always wondered that."

"No creation can occur without a loss of some sort to spur it on." Dazai explained conversationally as they reached the door that was their destination, "I wonder, what could be created by such a great loss? The greatest sort of loss there is, according to so many."

"That's stupid." Y/n replied after having thought his answer over, "You don't need loss to create things."

"I don't think that is true."

Dazai held up three fingers and slowly put one down at a time. Once the last one was down, they kicked the door in and entered the room, guns drawn.

"What about making things for joy of family?"

"Fear of loss."

"What about love songs?" Y/n asked, turning as she checked the corners for any unwanted company.

"That's fear of loss too."

"Writing books?"

"That's a good one. Loss of an author's time, and sanity if they're really into it. Also, creates potential loss for the readers, people get so attached to their favorite characters." Dazai said, relaxing his arms and walking over to the desk.

"Cooking?" Y/n continued her line of questioning.

Dazai opened a drawer and began shuffling through its contents, looking for the flash-drive they had been sent to retrieve.

"That's not really an art."

"I, along with many others, would beg to differ."

Y/n dropped her gun as well and made her way over to him, watching Dazai as he searched.

"Well, loss of the animals lives then. Are you going to help look?" he shrugged, moving to another drawer.

"Aha!" Y/n victoriously exclaimed, ignoring his question, "What about vegan cooking then?"

"Think about all the horrors involved in modern corporations and farms."

Unsuccessful in his search again, Dazai moved to the last drawer of the desk.

"Ethically sourced vegan cuisine." Y/n countered, "And! You grew everything yourself so you know it is ethical."

"Are you going to make your own sesame oil?"

Y/n groaned in response.

"See, what did I tell you?" Dazai teased, "I think the bottom of this drawer is hollow."

He pulled the papers out, piling them on top of the desk as Y/n leaned onto it, peering over his shoulder to get a better look at what Dazai was doing. With a grunt of effort, he pulled out the false wood bottom. Hidden within was the very object they'd been looking for.

Little Doll (Mafia!Dazai x reader)Where stories live. Discover now